Originally Posted by Khasch:
My sons high school varisty coach has to call every swing. He makes the call to "take a pitch", bunt, hit and run, swing, etc. Dont you think that at this level they should know what to do? What are your opinions about this? (This is his first year as varisty head coach...and many of the boys are now struggling at the plate.)
Not sure I'm completely following you here. You say he calls every swing and then says he tells them when to take, bunt, hit/run, swing, etc...
So is he telling them if he gives the swing sign they have to swing or what?
A coach should call bunts, hit / runs, steal and even when to take SOMETIMES. Personally I'm not a huge fan of a take sign because you should teach them when to swing or not to swing. But there are those who are a little more difficult to get to understand or there's a situation where you don't want any possibility of a misunderstanding of it to take or not to take.
But if he's telling them when to swing I can see where that might be a little overboard. I want my guys to swing the bat so that's why I rarely call a take sign. In fact my take sign is I point to my head as in be smart and don't hurt us. It should be understood if you get a good pitch to handle then swing the bat. That's why you have it.
Two questions come to mind - is this guy young and how experienced is your team (other than your son)? I know when I was in my early 20's and a head coach I was a little more insecure about things and had more control over what went on. As I got older with more experience I learned to let the guys decide more on what to do based on what I taught in practice. It may take this guy some time to lighten up as he gets more comfortable. But the thing to realize is he's still the head coach and it's his decision as to how things should be done. If the coach tells a player to bunt then the player needs to do everything they can to lay down a great bunt. Same for a hit and run or anything else he puts on. If he gives some sort of swing sign then the player needs to recognize the pitch in the zone and hit it hard. It will be frustrating for you but if the guys are executing what he's calling then they are probably going to be successful.
If the team is young / inexperienced (read the thread started by d8 on ideas for starting a team and you will see why you have to micromange a lot of things) and this is way of controlling things until they are caught up.