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My friend swears that you have to turn in to foul territory after overrunning first base. I was always taught that it doesn't matter what way you turn as long as you do not make an attempt at second base.

Whats the ruling?

Also, say you do turn in to foul territory; and then make an attempt at second but don't yet cross back in to fair territory (you made a wide turn in to foul to begin with). Can you be tagged out when in foul territory?

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Replies sorted oldest to newest should never "turn" period.

You should break down right on the foul line and look to the right for an overthrow.

After you've stopped, turn to the left...without making an attempt...and walk back to first in fair territory.

As you turn to your left look and see where the middle INF are. If second is available, start walking that direction before you break.
Last edited by ironhorse
I have an even better one for you. Batter/runner is going to first when there is a wide throw up the line and he slides to avoid a tag. Umpire calls safe, runner ends up in fair territory, 1st baseman realizes he missed the runner and tries to tag him, runner sees this and starts to crawl back to first and is tagged. Umpire calls runner out! How can you be making an attempt to go to 2nd if you are sliding into the bag at 1st? The only attempt the runner made was to 1st! This happened in last year's District finals in a scoreless game in the late innings with no outs. Worst call I ever saw!
Originally posted by Michael S. Taylor:
Any step or fake toward second is going to make you liable for a tag.

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