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Wondering what everyones thoughts are on the P90X workout? I have heard coaches are promoting pitchers too do this workout for conditioning and just overall body strength? Thinking about buying it for my kid... Any help would be appreciated!!
"There are three things you can do in a baseball game. You can win, or you can lose, or it can rain." Casey Stengel
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jmho P90X not for baseball and definitely not for pitchers....our high school ace went 0-9 this year after P90X last winter...(he had other problems too but worked on the wrong muscles). for pitching I'm a Tom House fan "equal and opposite" there are books out there....look up Vetimax that's pure core strength and explosion...great for Baseball specific results!
I have the program. Been going at it for a couple of weeks. Bench Press? I have not seen that on one my CD's yet. Tons of core work. Tons of cardio. Push ups. Pull ups. Band work.

If were talking about doing nothing else but P90X I can see that being an issue. You need to throw. You need to continue with your core baseball specific lifts. But this program is very good.

Before you comment on a program know what your talking about. There are no bench press routines at all in this program.

Is chopping wood a non baseball work out? Is roofing a house? Is working a construction job in the summer? Come on. Push ups, pulls ups, core work, cardio. Thats about all there is. Just different variations of this stuff. Along with yoga which I find to be tough.
I have the program.

I think certain aspects of the program probably will be decent for baseball players. The sections that concentrate of flexibility and agility certainly will be beneficial for an all around ball player. The strength training advocates more dumbell/pushup/pullup routines which to me seems appropriate to create a stronger and lighter player as opposed to a muscle bound monster. I've never seen a ball player that isn't improved by working their core.

Having said that it isn't a baseball workout but more of an overall conditioning program and really isn't appropriate for any specific sport. I think it probably won't help a pitcher all that much because it doesn't really do much to improve the specific muscle groups that pitchers need. As an overall way to decrease body fat, improve muscle tone and increase flexibility it is good. But specifically for
Its a piece of **** for athletic training, regardless of sport - but especially for baseball.

Check those links and get back to me. I'm in agreement with him fully; it's not the greatest program and definitely not the only answer, but it works! Two links to information about it and the third one will give you his background..

As for "having seen the infomercials" good for you! I've seen them too. I've even done the program! I've read the book! And better still-- I have an education in the field! Smile Still want to tell me "having seen the infomercials" puts you on the same level?
Originally posted by spartans2b:
I've seen the info-mertials, and from what I have seen there, it is more than enough evidence to call it a bad program for baseball. Unless the program suddenly emerges out of the blue with heavy deadlifts, squats, presses, pulls, and other functional/field carry-over movements, then I stake my claim. Not to mention the imbalances that I'm sure it creates within the shoulder.

Here is a good article talking about p90x's lack of effectiveness for athletics.

Conditioning and weightlifting are two different things.
Originally posted by I'mJustADad:
building muscles in non baseball areas hurts PERIOD! that's why the experts suggest baseball specific exercises! Bench Press BRUTAL leg squats awesome....etc ropes, cords, plyometrics AWESOME...p90 more for football! THINK CORE STRENGTH Look at Vertimax for baseball on you tube
I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. Bench press and squat are not baseball specific exercises. People were climbing rope long before baseball existed.
Mike Reinold knows his stuff. I've read tons of it - really good about rehab stuff. And like he says, its good for the traveling business man, but for somebody who is a competitive baseball players, there are far better options.

Apparently you missed it. He talked about using it with HIS ATHLETES. Yeah, those professional baseball players he's responsible for...
I dont think many of you know much about p90... A lot of it is functional. A mam with a functional fitness "degree" amd helps with USA baseball told me it would be great for a baseball player. However pitchers still should condition like normal. You don't have too use weights you can use cords in all upper body exercises. Also the ab ripper is much more that situps.. My son has worked out with a specific baseball trainer and he pit him through the same ab workouts pretty much.. Seth mcclung and Todd Helton both use P90X so it can't be that bad.
Originally posted by spartans2b:
Don't do this for baseball players. Although I don't own it, from what I have seen it won't help you and will possibly hinder you. It focuses a lot on crunches for abs I think, which are the last thing a pitcher needs to do before his lumbar spine gives out. Also, I'm sure there is some overhead pressing, as well as some isolation movements around the elbow. Just very dangerous. Get a baseball specific/pitcher specific program. My advice is to look up Eric Cressey's stuff. He does a great job with pitchers, and works with many MLB and minor leaguers.

If you read Nolans Pitching Bible, Nolan Ryan is a big believer in strengthening abs as he believes it is the lynch pin from the upper body to the lower body and allows the maximum amount of torque and power to be delivered to the ball.

I've been doing P90X for 2 years and one thing I can say is that it won't get you in running shape but will give you strength and flexibility.

I would highly recommend this program for any male athlete.
Last edited by tradosaurus

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