Looking for PA Summer 2016 travel teams? Can anyone provide team names or websites to help the search?
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I should add - for a 2017 player.
Any particular area? We are located in western PA, if that's your area, let me know. You can PM me if you'd like.
I am from north central Maryland but I can provide some for central through eastern (Harrisburg /Philly) we see them all the time. A couple of questions. What level of travel, local, regional, showcase, national. How must are you looking to play <30, 30-50ish, >50. There are some very solid teams but they need to be a good fit for what you are looking for.
Four teams you might want to investigate.
Harrisburg Junior Senators, we ran into them at the finals of the Millersville Wood Bat Tournament. Well coached, solid pitching, good hitters, solid defense
PA Black Sox (Near Philly) http://www.pablacksox.com/ We saw them in the fall and although it is tough to gauge in the fall because of the number of athletes playing other sports their fall team was very good...
Mid Atlantic Red Sox: http://midatlanticredsox.net/ Difficult to get an opportunity, mostly by invite only players from Maryland and PA
Central Penn Renegades (PalmyraPA): http://inthenet.com/programs/b...egades.html?a_id=122 Affiliated with In the Net Sports complex. Good solid program
Hope that provides some ideas, Good luck!