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Unlike the previous coach, who did a fine job over a long period of time, word is Coach Morales will do his best to keep Palm Beach County kids in Palm Beach County. Prior to Coach Morales, the roster was filled with players from the islands, Miami, all over. Eventhough he had a good record, the team never went very far playoff-wise. While some did get drafted, arguably, not many players went on to four-year schools to play. Apparently the adminstration wanted more local players, thus the change. Of course all of this is just rumor from behind the backstops of the Palm Beach County baseball fields. Some say it was a political decision to release him, but who really knows.

In the past local players were rarely recruited by PBCC. Many of them went off to Hillsboro CC, Seminole, Polk So. Florida CC, etc.

This season will be interesting, they have some players that left D1 schools to return home to play for Coach Morales. Next season should be even better.

Agree with jmepop, good baseball guy. He's pretty sharp, but will obviously need some time to learn the juco rules, etc. Players like him a great deal from what I understand, as long as you work hard and do what you're told.

Personally, I think with more local recruiting he'll create a much better fan base. In the past the attendance was lacking at home games. Should definetly increase attendance, create local interest and more alumini support.

Academically, it is like most CC's it's what you make of it. They have some excellent professors and have some that are professionals that are doing it as a second income.

I heard that they have some apts. across the street from the campus. Nothing on campus. Area is alright, just don't go wandering off too far on foot. County park is adjacent that attracts alot of, well, people hanging around the park, homeless people, etc. Beach is only about 3-4 miles away.

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