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Originally posted by themez:
We all have heard from coaches, "what happens between parents and coaches stays with parents and coaches."

I have never heard that. In fact, I have never heard a coach encourage communication betweens parents and coaches. The only thing coaches have ever said at our school, is that if you need to speak with them, please make an appointment and don't try to talk to them at the game.

My son always talked to his coaches, I never did.
Originally posted by themez:
This is just a general question. We all have heard from coaches, "what happens between parents and coaches stays with parents and coaches." And that this should not affect the (relationship between the coach and player.)

Just like to know what everyone thinks.

What is the point to this post? I have never said that nor have I ever heard another coach say anything similar to this. Why would coaches say this?
Originally posted by themez:
This is just a general question. We all have heard from coaches, "what happens between parents and coaches stays with parents and coaches." And that this should not affect the (relationship between the coach and player.)

Just like to know what everyone thinks.

We havent all heard anything. I never heard of that from any coach in my life.

What the hell are you talking about - and why?
We all have heard from coaches, "what happens between parents and coaches stays with parents and coaches." And that this should not affect the (relationship between the coach and player.)
It would affect my relationship with the player. I'd be wondering why a high school age kid isn't mature enough to handle issues rather than leaning on mommy and daddy. Are you under the impression parents are player agents for high school and travel players?
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by themez:
This is just a general question. We all have heard from coaches, "what happens between parents and coaches stays with parents and coaches." And that this should not affect the (relationship between the coach and player.)

Just like to know what everyone thinks.

What I think themez meant may be if a parent and coach have a discussion or confrontation in private, it should not affect how the coach treats the player.
What I think themez meant may be if a parent and coach have a discussion or confrontation in private, it should not affect how the coach treats the player.

Of course that's the chance the Parent takes when he goes up and talks to the Coach about anything concerning there player and his Playing Time, Position Played, Where he is in the line-up.
Ect. Ect. Ect.

I'm not saying you can't talk to a coach, It depends on how receptive they are to talking to parent's.
But from what I've experianced.
I'd stay away all together, and let your player do the talking.
Let them grow up.
No matter how hard it is to keep quit.
Last edited by theEH
What I think themez meant may be if a parent and coach have a discussion or confrontation in private, it should not affect how the coach treats the player.
I understand. Why should it happen? The only reason for a parent to intercede is physical or emotional abuse. Even then I'd be careful about defining emotional abuse.
The only conversations we ever had with son's high school coach involved Booster Club activities, the annual National Classic tournament, and the like. Our son had to deal with his coach ... it wasn't our 'game'.

In college, we chatted quite often with the coach but it was NEVER about our son's performance, play time, yada yada yada. It did involve ways to help the school improve their baseball program through fund raising ideas, etc. But again, never about our son's 'game'.

It is amazing, in my opinion, that when parents take themselves out of the equation, the 'solutions' seem much easier to calculate.
Themez, it seems that you're trying another angle to get affirmation for the issue that you asked everyone about last week on here. Almost nobody (anybody at all?) agreed with your views about interacting with coaches, and I think you're seeing that affirmed here as well.

IMO, you'd do well, for your son's sake, to sit way far down the foul line, and stay way far away from any interaction with your son's coaches. Nothing good can come from the approach you're taking.
I like this forum, it is nice and fluffy. Mommies reliving little johnnies first single. Holding hands as a family while walking to the field to spend a "great" day playing baseball under a clear blue sky!!!! Please.... Just watch and you will see what I am talking about.

Dude you haven't read enough of the stuff that goes on in here. You have just opened up yourself a whole world of hurt once people see what you put.

This is an awesome place but there are people who do not hold back what they think - which is good. There is some serious debate that goes on here and it's not about feeling good about yourself.
Originally posted by themez:
This is just a general question. We all have heard from coaches, "what happens between parents and coaches stays with parents and coaches." And that this should not affect the (relationship between the coach and player.)

Just like to know what everyone thinks.
Well phrased general question there, my friend. You could've at least ended your statment with ", eh?" as in

"And that this should not affect the (relationship between the coach and player.), eh?"

That would have made it a legitimate question, no?

You must be a CSUSD grad, at the very least.
Last edited by KnightTime
Originally posted by emeraldvlly:
Coach2709 --
Who wrote that?! This mama has an not so sweet and sunny response to deliver.

emerald ...

I was a bit annoyed when I read the post as well ... from a relative newcomer (in terms of # of posts) who calls himself 'batdad25' and apparently lives in one of the mid-Atlantic states.

Initially, I posted late last night, made a reference to how much we all enjoy sitting around the campfire together, singing Kumbaya while we made s'mores and gave each other accolades for how talented our sons all are. Then I got 'snotty' and made another reference to not letting the gate hit him in the fanny on the way out of the HSBBW if he found us so saccharinely sweet and felt the need to leave this forum for another or others that choose to be hostile and defamatory.

But alas and alack, I thought better of it and decided to delete it instead. Mr 'batdad25' must have also thought better of his post ... eh?
But alas and alack, I thought better of it and decided to delete it instead. Mr 'batdad25' must have also thought better of his post ... eh?

Well I didn't actually read his post, but I would assume he did the right thing by deleting it before the Ladies Auxiliary Board became aware of the Post.
Let the beating's begin??
futureback mom has described the whole thing and actually did a better job than I would have. I didn't remember who exactly wrote it and the only thing I knew was he was a newer member around 20 - 30 posts.

I don't know if he deleted it or if someone removed it for him. I didn't think it was bad enough, or hostile enough to be deleted by a mod but I knew he was going to get ripped by people by putting what he did.

I wish I had quoted the whole thing but really the worst part is what I did quote.
Originally posted by coach2709:

[QUOTE]I like this forum, it is nice and fluffy. Mommies reliving little johnnies first single. Holding hands as a family while walking to the field to spend a "great" day playing baseball under a clear blue sky!!!! Please.... Just watch and you will see what I am talking about.

Oh but johnnies plays travel ball and we spend 5000 dollars go to his games. and we
know the varsity coach, and we took him to dinner, and we drive a minivan and.........................

Last edited by themez
Who has a son playing into high school or further who doesn't remember when? It's part of watching your son grow up. My son has a great sketching in his room of a tee ball player morphing into a pro player. For all the times I've walked into his room and not noticed it, I was looking at it last night. I looked in the middle, saw the kid who had grown but not filled out and thought, "He's there right now." Then I kept looking back at the floppy haired tee baller, not forward to the pro player. It's been a fun journey so far, with lots of memories.

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