This last weekend I was at the Arizona Junior Fall Classic and saw a parent go into a meltdown mode yelling at the umpire. However, maybe some of you have seen such something like this...If yes, I would be curious to hear about it.
My son was on the 2012 AZPro team that played a team from a country north of the US on Sunday that will remain nameless here on this post (to protect the innocent of course!)
This incident occurred like this...
Everything was going so well until the top of the 1st inning!
That's when the umpire threw out the other team's head coach for challenging pitches...followed after a few more pitches by the assistant coach, which then got a dad into the mix with the umpire whom quickly chucked him as well. The dad showed little regard for his behavior and was very verbally abusive, i.e. every word in the book. It looked as if he was going to get violent at one point until the now ejected coach talked him out of it.
My initial thoughts were wonder some kids today have no respect for authority since dads like this seem to think he can freely challenge the umpire with insults, abusive taunts and embarrassing displays. Could it be father like son?
Wow, what a spectacle he caused in front of everybody...including college coaches and recruiters...very, very embarrassing and un-necessary
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