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I had a great paragraph typed and ready for posting but I'll keep it to myself. I appreciate everyone's emails and phone calls of support regarding this thread. I guess my only comment, of course, is to ulmdad and that is:

To this date you have yet to pick up a phone and call as you clearly have more to bark about than a time limit issue. You have taken a time limit concern and gone on about politics, commercialization, our country, and continue to claim that we are more about volume than quality. Most of the comments don't make sense and some are so condescending and first grade that we simply don't read them as it just comes off as a bitter rampage of sorts. To be honest, I can't keep up with your drama. There are so many threads posted that have nothing to do with the quality of baseball or time limits that the message you are trying to send across as been blurred. You are on here to argue with and slander us and that is fine.

Truly, good luck to your son. I'm sure you'll continue to press on with some issues but clearly nothing productive. We will no longer view the post but feel free to continue as it seems to have taken grasp of much of your worries. One would believe there to be much larger issues but clearly not for you. Lastly, the time limit issue will likely be in place for all games leading to Sunday as usual for 2010 and beyond. We will make sure that a repeat of your game doesn't occur again but don't praise yourself for it as it isn't your doings that lead to that decision. Good day and good luck in the future.
My intelligence declines the more ulmdad posts. Pastime, my advice is to just stop reading the thread. ulmdad is detached enough from reality that his comments, assuming other readers have read the entire thread and see the displacement, should not likely be registering to the rest of us as logic. The only statement that makes sense is to have no time limits, though that is not possible in a tournament setting. I think we have all agreed that eliminating time limits on Sunday is the idea behind the thread and it seems as though you have already taken that in to your own hands.

Whether ulmdad realizes it or not, the only think that continues to register in my mind is that you are a Cherokee Baseball dad, that has lost it, and you are the speaking face for that program. This Duncan guy should be notified of the thread because you are making your program look silly. Repeated, wheather you realize it or not you are only hurting that program and hopefully he speaks to you about it. Getting the picture before you begin watching your son during college ball would also be a good idea, you aren't helping him in any way what so ever.
We attend a lot of Pastime events and they are nothing less than the best events. We go to some of the most well known events in Cincinnati Georgia Florida and Illinois and there is no comparison. The quality has been called in to play and we have seen no merit behind that in the 13 or 14 total Pastime events we have attended over the past few years. The organization communication teams scouting and attendance are among the best and exactly what we as travel teams want to see.

Mr. Davidson, do not allow this guy to suck you in to his trap just to try and get you fired up. I have had no luck putting the pieces of his puzzle together either. The statements hold no truth and the comparisons made were hmmmm unintelligible. And yes a few screws bolts and fasteners were left out of this model. However it is clear he believes he is and always will be right. He was right in the fact that admitting you are wrong is a sign of maturity but I believe you cleared that up while he continues to only tarnish himself the baseball organization he was with and god pray nobody finds out what poor school will have to deal with him if his son plays in college.

You can never make them all happy. You could however take legal action against some of the comments made by him. PM me and I can fill you in as he has dug quite a hole that you may find appealing.

I am NOT a face for the program. Just a dad on the way out the door.

Tom, thank you for changing the policy. Despite what you say. I think I did have a significant impact on that issue.

I think there are also other things that could improve your tournaments in the future. The triangle on your napkin was a great concept. Just not sure you have stayed with the vision.

With that said, I compliment you on many things that you do very well. Good luck in the future.
You didn't.

We haven't even closed the triangle on the napkin yet so I am afraid we will do nothing but disappoint you from this point on. We will, hopefully and fortunately, continue to put on more quality events as we have done for the past 4 years. We will continue to allow more and more teams to compete in these events as I am confident that our events are among the best and I would rather have 150 teams play in our quality events, with the fields we use, than not permit them to play and hear about them going to another event to play on fields that aren't as good as the ones we use, events that aren't as organized or events that are as competitive.

Regardless of how condescending your statements are and the way they make you look, I always appreciate the feedback and wish you luck for the future.
I am amazed at all that I have read. It has been interesting to say the least.

I am even more amazed that this is over a time limit. (Who cares. In fact, who ultimately cares who even won the tournament. It is fun and then it is over).

I suspect someone forgot to take some badly needed drugs.

Also, I commend Pastime Tournaments for patience far greater than I could have displayed and for raising the level of tournament baseball.
Last edited by jemaz

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