Context disclaimer: I deleted a lot of Coach's test and saved what I believed to be the key points I'm reponding to. Please scroll up if you need to see his entire response.
Originally posted by Coach May:
The way legion works is they have a base school. Then they have feeder schools that along with the base school make up the legion team. The problem is the base school runs the program. ..... In other words there seems to be alot of politics with legion teams.
Our Legion is independent of the high school although the school district is basically the boundaries. We have a lot of players in private and Catholic schools residing within the boudaries. We do have daddyball (every coach) in our Legion program.
Now another problem is the schedule. They play almost every night of the week and they play 9 inning games. These teams do not have enough quality pitching to play at a high level.
The local Legion team only plays twenty games plus playoffs. This would be fine if they practiced a lot. They don't. They only play three games a week. When I played we had a twenty-eight game season and twenty-plus non-league games against teams outside our zone. We had a fifteen player roster with 8-10 pitchers (four studs for the league games).
Many Legion programs use college players on their rosters. This takes alot of opportunities away from HS players.
I agree. Unless the team keeps a large roster it drives players off to travel teams. Some don't return to Legion to tryout again. A couple of high school starters played Connie Mack (equal to JV ball in our area). It was a step backwards. It couldn't have helped their game.
The college coaches. If I am a college coach and I am out scouting where do I want to spend my time? At a legion game on a Saturday watching maybe 1 or 2 potential prospects? Or at a showcase tourney where I can watch at least a couple of games with several potential prospects? ..... Or do I want to go to a college campus and see several teams of top flight players competing against each other? ..... The better players are going to continue to play at the venues that attract the college coaches. And the college coaches are going to go to the venues that provide them the best bang for their buck and their time.
Baseball has become the same as softball, basketball, s****r, lacrosse, tennis,etc.. in terms of exposure. Exposure tournaments are the new world.
We do have three or four outstanding legion programs in our state. They usually dominate all the others. These are the areas where alot of the top players decide to play together over the summer. And most are from two or three HS programs. But the competition they face is very weak.
Same here. We live in a tri-state area. Two of the states have teams that repeatedly win their states.
I was one of the heretics that pulled baseball players from the local programs and started a travel team based on my softball experience with my daughter. I'd love for my son to play Legion ball, but the closer I look at it the more flaws I see in today's model. LL, Babe Ruth ball and Legion were tremendous models when I played (back when dinosaurs ruled the earth). But, the world changes.