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I hearby declare the issuance of a formal peace treaty to TRHit and TPM so as to bring incredible peace to this wonderful forum.

This peace treaty will de-claw said parties and allow the healing process to begin so they both, together, may make a formidable ally to better educate and inform those of us who haven't "been there/done that" yet.

What was it momma always use to say...if you ain't got something good to say, don't say anything at all...

Both have very informative and insightful information... just different ways of accomplishing it here in writing. Nothing wrong with that!


"The difference between excellence and mediocrity is commitment." Twitter: @KwwJ829

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So if you don't agree with what one says you should sit back and let that opinion be stamped in stone Confused

This is a message board where past experiences form ones opinion and the passion to share those experiences to help parents/players prepare for the next challenge is the ultimate goal. Why boil on the inside when you feel you have something to say? I don't think it's personal, but rather just a difference of opinions. I hope no one on this board ever keeps thoughts to themselves. In my book that's not healthy.

But then again that's the opinion of a gun toting, heavy fisted cheesehead.
Last edited by rz1
We will disagree. This site would be so boreing if everyone agreed all the time. And it would serve no purpose if we did. We all have different experiences so we will have different opinions to share. What worked for our kid might not have worked for someone else. We try and help each other. We should try and learn from one another. And we are going to disagree. It is never personal with me. And I dont get my feelings hurt on a message board. I do get me feelings hurt when my team is outplayed and I am out coached like we were this weekend. But then I learn from it and try and get our players to do the same thing. Its all good as they say!
I think everybody here has to admit that the HSBBW is an escape from the real world for us.
I'm not able to be involved with my son's game anymore.
And I miss the game from that angle.
So I come here for therapy.
I mean why do people like PG, Coach May, TPM, TR, Mom, 44,
Gotwood, Fungo, It's, rz1, And all the rest keep coming back for more.
It's sort of a release, A place where you can let it out a little and have some fun without being held accountable are taken to seriously.

I really care for you people.
You help a lot more then you know.
I have alot of friends here that I have never met in person. And I have alot of friends here that I have met. Your sons have a fan in me that I pull for and keep track of. I will continue to do just that. Just because we disagree that will not change anything. I will continue to follow your sons and pull for them everytime they play. And I will do anything I can to help them in anyway that I can.

Just because some of you are as* holes doesnt mean I still can not pull for your kids! Just kidding!
Listen, I agree with all that folks...i.e. free speech, convictions, difference of opinions, agreeing/disagreeing, escape from the real world, yes man, etc. etc. etc. That wasn't my intention for the post..I promise.

I don't think it's a big secret that there is no lost love between them two...and I was just trying to lighten things up a bit...that's all.

I too have gleaned more knowledge on this site than I care to admit, and I am forever grateful. Differing opinions are what make this world go around....that....and dreams!
That's Mr. As*hole to you CM. Wink

I also enjoy the heated debate however it seems we stray far from the topic. Too many times it seems to get personal and the debate has very little to do with the topic or opinions being discussed.

This place has started to reminded me of the old joke...

"I went to fight the other night and a hockey game (baseball forum) broke out".

Looking forward to the baseball season finally getting started in the Northeast!
Last edited by jerseydad
Hey JD we have already played 7 games and have three next week! Now, do you hate me yet? I agree with your post we need to try to stay on topic. Or we need to hijack the thread like I am right now. I would much rather talk about our kids, our teams and the games. The threads lately have been so negative. Bad coaches , bad parents etc etc. Can we hear some positive stories?

OK that is the way you hijack a thread. If anyone was ever wondering what hijacking a thread looked like.
Must admit and don't think I'm alone... It's kind of entertaining when people start fighting with each other. What's not much fun is when you are the one they want to fight. Been There, haven't we all! Smile

Really, I hate it when everyone agrees with everyone else. That's just plain boring!

Anyway, if there were ever two people who can take care of themselves it would be TPM and TR.

I understand what you were trying to propose. And as I see in a too many other posts, the majority saw what you wrote in a somewhat different light and strayed from your main point. NO PROBLEMMO!!

I enjoy the disagreements we have here, for the most part. Often, they're fun to see. I could imagine for the few posts by Frank Martin that TR didn't respond to, he was still seething inside. Big Grin Sometimes they can get led astray like last fall when TGs wife was mentioned in an aside and all H-E-double-hockey-sticks broke out. Those latter type of comments are not necessary, nor are they fun or helpful. Here too, the main point of the post was missed.

I will keep my mouth shut (keys from clicking) when I have nothing nice to say. My hot button was pushed recently and the poster is wrong, but he continues to belabor his point in a mildly contentious disrespectful and idiotic manner. No biggie. I made my point. He didn't answer my initial question which would have clarified his stance, but the reply's absence also tells me something.

Like theEH, I am not able to be involved in my son's games anymore. I live vicariously through HSBBW. It's a wonderful fix for me.

Now, let's see what kind of goodies SSMom has in the kitchen. Smile
Last edited by infidel_08
Originally posted by Coach May:
We will disagree. This site would be so boreing if everyone agreed all the time. And it would serve no purpose if we did. And we are going to disagree. It is never personal with me. And I dont get my feelings hurt on a message board.

As a relative newcomer, I'll add my two cents. I think disagreeing and differences of opinion are fine, and how we learn different views. I don't think it is fine to talk with disrespect, denigrate, or call people names (even if done in a round-a-bout way). Then it does become personal, not to mention counter productive. I think one can state their opinion and support it without all that. And if someone chooses not to accept the advice proffered, one need not take it as a personal offense and get all bent out of shape. Some people do get their feelings hurt on a message board--its just easier to get over Wink
If you dont like the disagreements - dont read them.

But if you have something to say - say it (Cyber wise of course). Whats wrong with that?

This place would blow chunk if we all joined hands and told each other how "correct" we all were. IMO.

Just dont say anything bad about the kids that play

- and if you cyber-hammer an adult on this site - it is reasonable to assume that someone will cyber hammer you back. LOL

For what its worth - In the midst of my many disagreements - I have been called everything in the book on this site over the years. Out of spite or whatever. So what?

One dude said I was the anti-Christ - LOL

Again - so what?

The problem we have here - from time to time- is we forget its about the kids - and think its about us - and our "opinions".

It aint about us.

Our time is long over.

Last edited by itsinthegame
Originally posted by Catfish:
I personally think we handle our dissagreements quite well. Wouldn't this board be boring if we all thought alike and agreed on everything? When we have dissagreements I think we repectfully agree to disagree on many topics.

Keyword "respectfully".
I think at times this word is ignored (guilty) and as adults, we should be above that.
Last edited by thats-a-balk!
posted by gotwood4sale
Wanna' sign a peace treaty?

I've got the perfect spot...plenty of free parking...c'mon down!

What do you mean Perfect Spot?

Surely that is some kind of subliminal message or something!!!

How can there be peace with people like you running around here?

"GotWood" aint exactly such a great name either, if you ask me!!!

I'm sick and tired of you causing so much trouble on this site!

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