I understand what you were trying to propose. And as I see in a too many other posts, the majority saw what you wrote in a somewhat different light and strayed from your main point. NO PROBLEMMO!!
I enjoy the disagreements we have here, for the most part. Often, they're fun to see. I could imagine for the few posts by Frank Martin that TR didn't respond to, he was still seething inside.

Sometimes they can get led astray like last fall when TGs wife was mentioned in an aside and all H-E-double-hockey-sticks broke out. Those latter type of comments are not necessary, nor are they fun or helpful. Here too, the main point of the post was missed.
I will keep my mouth shut (keys from clicking) when I have nothing nice to say. My hot button was pushed recently and the poster is wrong, but he continues to belabor his point in a
mildly contentious disrespectful and idiotic manner. No biggie. I made my point. He didn't answer my initial question which would have clarified his stance, but the reply's absence also tells me something.
Like theEH, I am not able to be involved in my son's games anymore. I live vicariously through HSBBW. It's a wonderful fix for me.
Now, let's see what kind of goodies SSMom has in the kitchen.