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I am fairly new to this site so I don't know if this topic has been discussed but wanted to know if any of you have heard of high school and pre-HS kids using PED's?

Recently, I had a conversation with a friend who said he knew a guy who was giving his 13 year-old HGH in an effort to help him grow and get stronger. He also said that PED's are a problem in high school since they don't have drug testing. All I could say was "WOW!"

Listen, I am sure that there are things that I could do better as a father but I would not give my kid anything that could potentially harm him. 


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All I have heard with kids in HS and pre-HS using PED's are all speculative. I heard a rumor about a soph on my HS team taking PED's, though he has always been big and he is honestly just a natural man-child. The only person I've ever played with that I KNOW has taken HGH was a kid who it was medically prescribed to. Aged 15 years old he stood maybe 5 feet tall and weighed about 95-100 pounds, so clearly there is some reasoning there.


That is some scary stuff.  The topic has been discussed at length on HSBBWeb.  

Personally, I think any parent who is allowing their son (preHS or HS) to take anything legal or illegal that would effect their natural physical and mental growth without the supervision of a highly qualified Doctor lacks a brain stem.   With that said, I'm sure there are kids or parents out there that allow it to happen and think everything will be okay.  You don't have to go to far in a google search to find professional athletes that thought the same, but ended up dead.   Clearly their motivation was extending their professional careers and professional pay check.  On some level I can understand a professional athletes attitude toward PEDs or HGH although I don't agree with it.  

I have a really hard time understanding or allowing a pre-HS or HS to use these as a parent.   It would take a significant effort by a highly qualified Doctor to convince me this is a good idea for a pre-HS,  HS student, or anyone else as the risk is too great and the reward too small.

As always, JMO.


fenwaysouth posted:


That is some scary stuff.  The topic has been discussed at length on HSBBWeb.  

Personally, I think any parent who is allowing their son (preHS or HS) to take anything legal or illegal that would effect their natural physical and mental growth without the supervision of a highly qualified Doctor lacks a brain stem.   With that said, I'm sure there are kids or parents out there that allow it to happen and think everything will be okay.  You don't have to go to far in a google search to find professional athletes that thought the same, but ended up dead.   Clearly their motivation was extending their professional careers and professional pay check.  On some level I can understand a professional athletes attitude toward PEDs or HGH although I don't agree with it.  

I have a really hard time understanding or allowing a pre-HS or HS to use these as a parent.   It would take a significant effort by a highly qualified Doctor to convince me this is a good idea for a pre-HS,  HS student, or anyone else as the risk is too great and the reward too small.

As always, JMO.


Well-said! My thought process on this subject is identical to yours, especially regarding not taking them under the supervision of a 'qualified doctor'...and unknown long-term health risk . 


Last edited by hshuler

PED'S can be something thats not HGH.In 2016s so. FB season. At least 2 starters(Both were thought to be major coggs in the wheel) Took ritanal before the game.This drug has a speed type effect on people from what I've read.It was a very warm late august night.One of the kids was a big kid.Things did not go well.Barely played in the second have.He was over heating.Once the game was over and the kids were back inside scool the ambulance was called for.While I get kids make mistakes.The adults had no consequences for the mistakes of the young men.No practices were missed and certainly no games were missed.When I picked up 2016 after game the first thing I asked was "whats the ambulabce out back for"? (lites flashing) Thank god 2016 told me the whole story.The situation turned into a positive at this house.Thankfully the other young men were alright in the end.Things could have ended up far worse.

hshuler posted:

I am fairly new to this site so I don't know if this topic has been discussed but wanted to know if any of you have heard of high school and pre-HS kids using PED's?

Recently, I had a conversation with a friend who said he knew a guy who was giving his 13 year-old HGH in an effort to help him grow and get stronger. He also said that PED's are a problem in high school since they don't have drug testing. All I could say was "WOW!"

Listen, I am sure that there are things that I could do better as a father but I would not give my kid anything that could potentially harm him. 


I read that Lionel messi got Hgh as a kid because he was so small. He still is only 5"7 or so.

I have known of two situations personally.  

One a high school football program in Colorado that won a state title several years back.  I knew a player on the team and he was using as were several other players.  

Another high school program in the area I live....a lot of smoke around that program as well for several years.  

I can understand a pro, a guy with potentially a lot of money on the line, doing these things.  A high school kid?  A kid that is in him prime "testosterone" years?  Give me a break.  Just work harder kid.  


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