I am looking for advice on practice planning for a Pee Wee team (8-9 year olds) We have a pretty wide span of skill level and size. There's usually some of the Dad's standing around, and if I could get them involved in different stations, I think we could have a more productive practice.
For example- we have a couple of guys that can throw really hard. On the other hand, I'm afraid for the safety for some the kids on the receiving end of those throws. A couple of kids can hit pretty good, some have trouble even getting the bat on the ball. (head turning , timing, etc) This also their first year of kid-pitch, so we're trying to get that going too.
How many stations do you try to get going? Do you try to cover hitting, pitching, fielding, and base running all in the same 2 hour practice? I could go on about what we've been doing, but I'd rather hear your opinions. We do have more 8 years olds than most of the teams that we've played, but they just seem a lot more polished than we are.
I did not play baseball at a high level like most of you probably have. My son played on a tournament team, so I have tried to copy some of that coach's planning. The thing that's different, is that the kids on that team were a little more motivated and needed less one on one coaching.
Thanks in advance for the help.
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