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The Rockies were being written off and then a 1 run victory and now the Phillies have their backs against the wall heading to Denver.
St. Louis was going home with a split when a soft liner was going to end the game in left field; until Matt Holiday had the nightmare.

Things can sure change in a hurry.
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Originally posted by trojan-skipper:
The Rockies were being written off and then a 1 run victory and now the Phillies have their backs against the wall heading to Denver.
St. Louis was going home with a split when a soft liner was going to end the game in left field; until Matt Holiday had the nightmare.

Things can sure change in a hurry.

That's baseball, pretty unpredictable, many people say it's boring...NOT.
Last edited by TPM
Greatest game ever made. How is it so perfect?

90 ft to first makes for unbelievable close plays, if the bases are 95', 85', 105' not so much.

pitchers mound 60'6", perfect? I think so!

Game built around 3's and 9's.

Then add 162 games decided w an extra game, then add playoff excitement... AWESOME.

Just writing about it, I am smitten all over again.

Originally posted by 55mom:
The "foul" ball was pretty incredible.

It was and the ump blew it big time but Twins were gonna lose that game anyway.

The blown call actually helped the Twins because had Cuzzi got the call right, you got a runner on 2B no out and the next hitter bunts him to 3B with 1 out.

Instead, Twins end up with bases loaded, nobody out and they still don't score.

So even though the ump blew it, there's no way anybody can claim the Twins lost because of that one call should they go down in this series.
Last edited by zombywoof
You can look at every close game and find things that "might" have changed the outcome of the game but that is baseball, especially in the playoffs and World Series.

BTW it is currently 18 degrees in Denver and expected to be in single digits tonight---do they move the games back since it is expected to be in the 50's the next few days? I say move them
Originally posted by TRhit:
You can look at every close game and find things that "might" have changed the outcome of the game but that is baseball, especially in the playoffs and World Series.

BTW it is currently 18 degrees in Denver and expected to be in single digits tonight---do they move the games back since it is expected to be in the 50's the next few days? I say move them

Right on about every close play or blown call. It is what it is and the teams move on.

Gotta say the Twins are giving the Yankees everything they got. They're well coached and play hard.

As for the 18 deg. in Colorado, WOW.. When you think about it, it's really not that late in October yet so it'd be tough to blame 162 games and 3 rounds of playoffs.

The only real solution to these cold weather cities that can get winter in October is a roof. Don't know what else you can do other than hope tomorrow is a warmer day
Last edited by zombywoof
It was just a classic case of a sinking line drive and a player getting caught in between decisions. Do I come in harder and catch it fingers up or do I catch it fingers down? And at the last second you dont make the right read and that just happens.

We have all seen it many times just not in that situation many times. But it happens quite often even to ML players.
Originally posted by RJM:
As for the 18 deg. in Colorado, WOW
****, err gosh darn, global warming! Al Gore won a Nobel Peace Prize for his glorious efforts on global warming.

Thank goodness for Al Gore. First he discovers the intarwebs and found a new way for government to potentially tax the hell out of the public with his globetrotting around the world in private jets to promote hids global warming.

Mah hero! Al Gore.
Last edited by zombywoof

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