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Several threads in here people start being rude and attacking other people and what they say. First let me say I have been rude in here and I wish to apologize for it.

We ALL got to realize there is no ONE way to teach hitting and no ALL players will learn the same thing. Just because someone teaches something a little different doesn't mean they are wrong or dumb - which has been said numerous times in here.

I like getting on here and talking, learning and even debating but there are times when people won't listen to your side (I have been one myself). Some people like to bring up these big words just to make themselves sound smart and try to make their point correct because they said it in fancy terms - just keep it simple.

When I got my first head coaching job I came in using the big fancy words and my kids looked at me like I was speaking Japanese. After about two weeks of no success I brought out the simple words and they started getting better.

Let's keep it simple and cordial in here guys. We all want the same thing - learn and talk.

Thanks and sorry if I make someone mad with this.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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Originally posted by oldnumber19:
I concur coach. Many are loquacious but few are erudite.

Dictionary PLEASE! Smile

Really, it comes down to agendas. Some are:

1. The Expert - He and he only knows the real way. Divine Providence has blessed him.
2. The Troll - He doesn't care to know, has some knowledge and we know what they say about those that have just enough knowledge. This agenda is simply to insult. Never is any worthwhile info given. (We have Trolls on this site. We also have people categorized as Trolls who aren't. Guess that always comes with the nature of a website. I'm sure if we all met, we'd get along.)
3. The Message Board Junkie - They just want to read, learn, contribute, ... They are sometimes wrong but have good intent. I place myself in this category.
4. The Sharer of knowledge/info - This person wants to direct people toward their conclusions but doesn't force the issue. They let the reader move at their own pace. If the reader agrees, great. If not, they move on to the next topic.
5. The Parent - We have all types here. Some of the best people around who just want some source of knowledge to help them get a handle on ... This site is great for that. Most of these parents don't have to be "right." They would walk through fire for their kid and so, they frequent this site.
6. The Player - They come here with very simple to very complex questions. They want to exchange ideas with kids their age and read what other older than themselves have to say. Again, they just want to be better. Most of the Trolls in this group rarely stick around for more than a post or two.

I'm sure I could list more. However, the point of this thread is that we all get along. This has been a theme of mine in the past and will continue to be one.
Coachb, the real problem is this; coaches are like physicians, you have to be right 100% of the time. And that leads to problems like those exhibited on this board.

Just as nobody wants to go to a doctor who is wishy-washy about treatment, nobody respects a coach who is hesitant about instruction. So you are always going to get people who are know-it-alls (including myself) because they HAVE to be.

Just as the best physicians are those always determined to improve despite having a confident bedside manner. The same can be said for coaches and instructors.
Many are loquacious but few are erudite.

I tend to disagree. Let’s give the HSBBW a little more credit than that. A great discussion must have different points and while many may struggle defining their perspective, the majority of the readers can understand where the poster is coming from. Let’s not forget this is the internet and is not the best way for expressing one’s emotions. We should hesitate to criticize others simply because the poster cannot construct an eloquent paragraph.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?
Last edited by Fungo
Originally posted by oldnumber19:
Coachb, the real problem is this; coaches are like physicians, you have to be right 100% of the time. And that leads to problems like those exhibited on this board.

Just as nobody wants to go to a doctor who is wishy-washy about treatment, nobody respects a coach who is hesitant about instruction. So you are always going to get people who are know-it-alls (including myself) because they HAVE to be.

Just as the best physicians are those always determined to improve despite having a confident bedside manner. The same can be said for coaches and instructors.

No disrespect intended but I don't agree with this post. Good doctors will admit there is more they do not know then what they do know. Good doctors, like coaches, have certain areas they have a lot of knowledge on and realize some may have more expertise in areas they may be weak in. That is why there are specialists.

The real problem is when you have coaches or doctors that think they know it all 100% of the time. There is no such thing as a know-it-all just those that think they know-it-all. Nobody is perfect or a know-it-all. With that said there are those that know more than the majority of us..... that after all is why I'm here. Wink

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