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hey guys...i was wondering if anyone else got something to become a "People to People Sports AMbassador"? To Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji? I have received something like this last year, but never looked further into it. Anyone know anything about this? i'd appreciate it

a candle will stand out in a dark room. then again, the brightest candle has to fight to stand out in a room full of candles.
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Hey DrySpitter - I would very much like to learn more about the Goodwill Series. What ages are involved? How are the players selected?, etc.

I just happened upon this doing some research on People to People, so don't check it regularly. If you wouldn't mind, please send any info you have to my email -

Thanks in advance!
I went to Holland in 2006 with People To People Sports Ambassadors. We played The Chezch Republic Junior National Team, German JO Team, and alot of all star teams from Europe(Holland,France,Belguim,Germany,Poland) and the competiton was top notch. Even the French team was very good(fundamentally sound).

One thing about teams in Europe. There is more bunting involved. You better be on your toes!!!!

PM me for more Infomation
My son has been getting a bunch of "people to people" stuff and it appears to me to be a big money maker for those involved with the program. Sports, and all kinds of other programs they are selling. I would be very, very cautious and check them out first.

If it walks like a duck, quacks likes a duck....
Last edited by BOF

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