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I know it is still early, but does anyone know when Perfect Game will begin posting tournament game schedules? We are going to Ft. Myers in July and just curious as to when schedules will begin to get posted.

You just got lesson number one: don't think; it can only hurt the ball club. -- Crash Davis
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They won't post the schedules until the week before the tournament. You'll need to arrive the night before pool play starts. Plan on one game a day through pool play and then depending on if you are in the playoff or consolation you may have one day with two games...they want to extend your stay as long as possible to maximize the hotel/housing commissions they receive (sorry PG)...but it's worth it as they're the best events going!
John is right. Plan on one game per day Tuesday thru Friday or Saturday. Saturday, you will either play a consolation game or start bracket play. You usually have to win your pool to make it to bracket play. Also keep in mind, you may only get one game at the East Cobb Complex. Be ready to drive. They contract with about 25 local high schools to play the games. Not a whole lot of teams make it to Sunday and I think it is only the semis and finals played on Monday.
they want to extend your stay as long as possible to maximize the hotel/housing commissions they receive

Teams leave when they want. Most teams leave as soon as they are done playing. We even ask if they want to play a consolation game or leave early if they haven't made the playoffs. Even if we wanted to extend someone's stay, we don't do it and don't expect it. Furthermore, the commissions are paid to the housing department we hire for that event. We need accurate room night records to evaluate economic impact on the area.

I really think it is kind of unfair to say we want to extend someone's stay as long as possible for any reason. I know I don't want to extend my stay there any more than what is necessary.

I do think what you said isn't anything so bad, it just comes out a bit misleading. We do want people to stay in the hotels we work with, but we don't want to, in any way, mislead people into extending their stay unless they want to.
PG Staff- My comment wasn't meant to be a slam and I apologize if it appeared that way. The original poster appeared to be someone who hadn't had experience with a PG event and the point that I was trying to make was for them to not expect to play four pool play games in two days (like many of the competing events do) and then be free to leave if they don't advance. Anyone who has been involved with (in my case running/administering) high caliber, travel baseball knows that the organizaers (PG, Pastime, USSSA, Super Series, etc...) are for profit organizations and get a cut of the hotels. We realize that going in and have no problem with it. Heck, we even have to have our rooming contract executed before you'll acept our appliation for the event. I have rented many times with Mike Bowers at Group Housing and, as you said, after getting knocked out of pool play we've been offered the opportunity to not play our consolation events and leave early, but it still requires staying a minimum of five nights as we play one game per day. Also, the contract that Mike and Group Housing executes with the teams/hotels is for six or seven nights but the hotels usually will let you out early if you so desire. PG is arguably the best at what they do and you should be able to make the rules for your events so you can maximize your margins. Again, that is OK and is the price of admission to play in some of the best events there are for our kids. Any business owner would do the same thing. This is America and it's a free country and you can set things up anyway you want. Teams also have the right to enter whatever events they want and the last time I checked there are no shortage of teams wanting to play in your events. Keep up the great work PG and keep growing and expanding and make a profit just like any other successful business would that has a great product that is in demand. The baseball people realize it is a business and as I said it is just the price of admission to be in the best events.

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