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Originally posted by Beezer:
PS - If I were you, I'd make sure to introduce yourself to PG the minute you see him at an event.

That's excellent advice from Beezer...and as for recognizing PG...

he'll be the guy with the yellow rain slicker and galoshes on...

working the squeegee and pulling the wagon full of Diamond Dry...

while being interviewed by the Weather Channel for their Storm Stories feature!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
JH your first "my bad" was enough really. Go play ball somewhere.

C'mon gang how many of the adults amongst us have started way worse rants and arguments on this site?

Furthermore, we need to realize its a different world, in most of our days the means of publicly expressing ourselves at 2 am after a dissapointing outing simply didnt exist. There isnt a way to unpost after you hit the "post now", you cant rip up the letter in the am. Its another challenge they have to meet true, but it has a learning curve.

Did better than I would have tbh. Did better than the minor league coach i saw on TV last night.
Just Me- if I could play ball somewhere I would but this rain doesn't let me Frown

And that minor league coach- that was pretty amazing. He actually had me laughing hysterically when I saw him on SportsCenter. Don't worry fellas, I'm not anything like that haha.

As for meeting PG, as soon as I get to Marietta I'll be looking out for you.

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