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Kevin25: WOW. Really? An indefensible accusation? (Although it was missing the usual 'they' pronoun). You must have concrete examples, right? Able provie timelines of conversations vs ratings changes? Phones records? Do you think money changed hands? Maybe there's a paper trail (although something like this is probably done w/ Cash?).

What's your goal? Bring down PG? Destroy the whole business?

IF this went on, if scores were inflated for a select few, wouldn't it be self-evident, self-revealing? Is there baseball program or organization that rely's exclusively on PG ratings for entry?
Originally posted by kevin25:
I've notices recently after events are over , weeks after scores have been posted, PG has adjusted scores up, in cases where players have dads that have some influence, kinda unprofessional in my opinion

Yikes, that is quite the accusation. I sure hope you have hard evidence on this and it is not just conjecture. Otherwise this is just slander and libel.
Originally posted by kevin25:
I've notices recently after events are over , weeks after scores have been posted, PG has adjusted scores up, in cases where players have dads that have some influence, kinda unprofessional in my opinion

Sounds to me someone's son was not rated as well as they thought he should have been.

Don't worry about the other players and their dad's. Take the evaluation that PG provided, and have your son work on it to become a better player. Worrying about other players scores will not make your son become a better player.
when my son was a freshman in high school, he went to a PG event and I had some doubts about some of the throwing speeds. His infield throw and catcher throw seemed a bit slower than normal, and his fastball speed was way too fast (85mph). I contacted PG to make sure that they had the right person. It turned out his infield and catcher speeds were in fact slower than we thought he threw(surprise) and they had entered the fastball speed wrong(darn). Its my opinion they just want to get it right.
I've notices recently after events are over , weeks after scores have been posted, PG has adjusted scores up, in cases where players have dads that have some influence, kinda unprofessional in my opinion

That would be very unprofessional IMO, too.

That said we have adjusted grades once in a great while. Doesn't have anything to do with influencial dads, though. If we cared about that we wouldn't have to adjust them, we just score them higher to begin with. Same goes for influential moms.

The reason we might change a grade is because we feel we were wrong. When we get calls (complaints) from parents we try to check everything out closely. Every once in awhile, we have found the parent had a very legitimate point regarding a mistake we made. We don't really care how influential they might be. We do care about doing it the right way.
Originally posted by kevin25:
player in question played in 1 perfect game event since showcase they were scored at, did nothing in event that would have warranted a score elevation. Dad however is head of the club organization that brings teams there yearly in every age group, just makes ya go hmmm...

Complete nameless baloney not worthy of a response. Please save the last shreds of your dignity and discontinue.
Originally posted by kevin25:
player in question played in 1 perfect game event since showcase they were scored at, did nothing in event that would have warranted a score elevation. Dad however is head of the club organization that brings teams there yearly in every age group, just makes ya go hmmm...

If you had concerns about this matter, the proper avenue would have been to contact Perfect Game.

Instead, the way you have chosen to go about this, has definetly not helped your credibility, if you have any left.

I am not sticking up for anyone, that's not the issue here. Even if it were true, what would it matter, coaches and scouts have their own opinions and do their own evaluations. I think that is something that people have to understand and sometimes don't, just get your player out to be seen and you won't have to worry about scores, ratings and evaluations.

You came to stir the pot, I didn't appreciate that.
Last edited by TPM
I agree with TPM, you really should have taken this up with PG and asked for an explanation. bcb3 provided a pretty good example of why/how scores may be adjusted. There are many more examples on the subject if you search around a bit. The "player in question" you mentioned may have had improper scores entered and "his dad" may have actually know the proper avenue to get it corrected. Better yet, maybe you should ask the dad how and why the score was changed rather than making an uneducated assumption.

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