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I don't know which PG event you are talking about. PG offers many different options. You may want to visit their web site to check them all out, to make sure you get the one best suited to your needs. Just because you got one invitation doesn't mean you can't get invited to another one if you ask. They have a click button on the site to "request an invitiation".

As for Blue Grey, I have heard many people come away disappointed. Not much positive in recent years.

The big advantage to PG is that your son's profile gets posted and remains fully accessible to college teams looking for basic info. So, your son's performance can continue to get looks after the showcase is over. I don't think other folks offer this. If they do, it's not as well publicized nor as frequently viewed.
Look out. My son did PG NE Sunshine last year....there were too many kids to be managable. He is a pitcher and after showing up at 8am to register and start the drills, he didn't pitch until 9:30PM!!!!!!! By that time the "scouts" had left the ballpark and he was exhausted. If PG really cared about giving a kid his best shot, they wouldn't have let so many kids participate at one event.

So I think PG started out, several years back, as a good idea, today it is a only a "cash cow".

If you want to be seen at your best, don't do it here. If you just want a video done of your self, do it locally and post it on your on website, have CD;s made on your own.

PG is about making themselves money, now.

I am someone who cares. Unfortunately, over the years, I’ve become very paranoid.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Obviously you felt the need to make those accusations. We have seen many top players at this event who have had some real good things happen to them. We are expecting some very good things to happen again this year, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen that way for every player.

Scheduling can be a problem at times. They all can’t pitch at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Our #1 ranked player at the time, Michael Main pitched at 1 AM at the PG National in Arkansas in 2006. He might have been exhausted but he topped out at 99 mph and the entire baseball scouting world knew about it within one day.

Anyway, it's hard to debate things when someone generalizes with situations that may or may not have happened exactly the way they are portrayed. While your story could be true, you can see how someone can get on here and simply be trying to damage our reputation, for some reason. There have been people who have tried to do that in the past. Often (most always) there is a reason much different than what is being described.

The one thing we can do is find out which 2009 pitched in the 9:30 game. This is far from one of our biggest events in number of players. In fact, the PG National Showcase the following week has a much larger attendance of players.

We do need to make money, but we also have a very long track record of caring about the players. I doubt there would be any success without that.

BTW, the original “idea” was not a good one at all. It was an absolute recipe for disaster and there are thousands of young players who would not have benefited had we continued along that path.

If what you posted really happened, I truly wish it would have been a better experience for your son, as it was for so many others. Perfect Game is not Perfect! The best of luck to your son in the future.

If you would like to PM me with the details of all this, please feel free to do so. We really do care about the kids!
Last edited by PGStaff

I too am surprised by your post, and wonder about the motivation. Most of your other posts in our forums have implied that you have inside info on future plans for The Goodwill Series, inviting our members to contact you about that. I would hate to think that you are trying to paint Perfect Game in a negative light because you have some vested interest in some other showcase organization, but it does look kind of odd.


Please do check our forums for other member reports on their experiences with Perfect Game events. Perfect Game is simply the best at what they do: The best in the country at giving excellent baseball players the chance to be seen by pro scouts and college coaches. And the most credible source for scouting reports on those players for coaches and scouts who could not attend the PG events. Yes, they have some huge events and as noted above, "They all can’t pitch at 1 o’clock in the afternoon.". Large numbers of players attend, and large numbers of scouts watch those players, for very good reasons. But they also have some smaller regional events.

Last edited by MN-Mom
Julie and Jerry;

Goodwill Series does not have any representatives
for marketing our programs. My son, Robert and I organize the travel trips to Australia, China, Japan and Korea.

Players for our '18 and under Yankees and Devil Rays teams are selected by pro scouts.

Our selected players each play 12 games in Australia against the State Teams of Australia and teams from Beijing, South Africa and Canada.

This is not a "showcase" or a social tour! It is "pure baseball" with professionals as coaches. Mickey White, former Scouting Director was one of our coaches last year. The photo of Gary Wheelock on our web site is an example of our mission - to teach.

PS: when I operated the Area Code tryouts on the East Coast, the Pirates [Dana Brown] and I devised a system for the 40-50 pitchers.

We established the time frame for their "outing"
For example: 1-2 PM; 2-3 PM; 3-4 PM. This maybe the answer for the players or parents who feel "entitlement".

Bob Williams

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