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Scouts were slim to none at the PG Sunshine South showcase my son attended. I was told that there were a number of scouts at the same showcase the previous year, but I don't know if that is true. If you are attending, I recommend that you contact coaches from college you are interested in and let them know that you will be at this showcase. Hopefully, they will come and see you play.
Attended the Showcase this weekend. The scouts that were there was slim. And the ones that did attened were hung up on the MLB draft that was being done. They were visible on the first day at one location. So if your team played at the other field you were out of luck. Also it seems like they came to see a few players that they already knew, so if you were from out of state (not from CALI) no intrest.
There were a few scouts at Point Loma on Saturday. Another webster told me there was a big event elsewhere on Saturday that many schools were at. I saw Oklahoma State, USF, USC, and UCLA coaches among others and there seemed to be a few pro scouts. They were discussing the draft but they were also paying attention. On Sunday at Southwestern I saw coaches from USC, Davis, UCLA, Hawaii, New Mexico State, Northridge, Arizona State, Santa Clara and Oregon State and Arizona Western?. That doesn't mean there weren't more coaches I didn't recognize. There were people there taking notes who didn't have school gear on. Once again there looked to be a few pro scouts there also. I have no idea who was at Point Loma on Sunday. I also saw some out of state players perform pretty well so my guess is that they'll get some interest. The maroon and green teams did seem to be pretty strong so I'm not surprised that scouts attended their games, but there were very strong players on other teams. BTW, the green team had about as many out of state as in state players and Eppard from CO hit one out on Saturday. It also seemed like some of the younger players may have been grouped together on some of the teams.
Last edited by CADad
Agreed. My son enjoyed it a lot, however being a pitcher's dad I liked the field at Southwestern college.

Got a few questions for anyone who saw the maroon team play. Who started pitching for the maroon team on Saturday? Who hit the monster home run to left on Sunday (Miller?). Who were the last couple pitchers for the maroon team on Sunday? They announced the hitters but didn't announce the pitchers.
Last edited by CADad
The profiles are up for the Sunshine showcases and for the National showcase. At this point they show the top fastball velocity, the throwing velocity from the positions and the 60yd times. At some point downstream they'll include the reports and they'll have a top prospect list for the sunshine events.

Pretty amazing that they've got this stuff up so soon with all the flood problems in Cedar Rapids.
Last edited by CADad

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