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Nuke83 posted:
RJM posted:


As for the poor black kids who can’t afford PG how come they are traveling the country attending every major AAU basketball event?

Because Adidas, Nike, Under Armor, et al are footing the bill for them to attend . . . 

If there was a market for black college baseball prospects Adidas, Nike and Under Armor would be there.

I have not been a big advocate of PG’s business plan. But it works for them and obviously many others. 

I am also sure that the cost of travel ball excludes players. But it doesn’t have to. 

We have personally played for several travel teams with sponsors or helpful parents. I can honestly say that anyone who had a financial need, to my knowledge, was accommodated. Obviously, some may have needed help and not asked or it went unknown. 

We have played with numerous coaches and organizations. Some paid big bucks, some not so much. I tell lots of people that the ones who helped my kid the most, were never paid a dime.  I spent hundreds of hours in the yard just simply throwing the ball with my kids when they were younger For free. Other dad coaches who knew more about baseball than I did. Spent numerous hours throwing BP and fielding before and after practices for free.  We picked up and played for teams coached by knowledgeable dads and had sponsors that helped with costs. One of which, I believe was primarily responsible for the offer from the school where my son will attend. We paid for very few lessons, and worked mostly in our own, trying to listen to what coaches said and apply it on our own time. Mostly for free. 

If they have the talent and want the help, it is there. Sometimes you have to look past the smoke and mirrors and just put in the work and seek people who are truly in it for the kids.  You can still be successful in this game, playing good tournaments ( PG included) with good coaches, without spending a fortune. 

And as for Lakepoint. I have paid for many entry fees, but I also hear rumors that the bands can be reused. I really don’t have a problem with the 10 bucks at Lakepoint because you can see where the money is going. (Concession prices are a bit ridiculous). But when you pay 10 bucks and your game is on a run down HS field where no one showed up to open the bathrooms or offer concessions it’s a bit annoying to say the least. 

Last edited by wareagle
Consultant posted:

Maybe you should ask "how the Area Code games could survive 31 years without charging the player". {1987 - 2018]. A beautiful alliance from Pro Scouts, College Coaches and Agents.


That is great for the 50 or so kids who make the Area Codes but it doesn't scale. The Area Code games are irrelevant for somewhere around 99.7 or so percent of the players, parents and organizations.

old_school posted:
Consultant posted:

Maybe you should ask "how the Area Code games could survive 31 years without charging the player". {1987 - 2018]. A beautiful alliance from Pro Scouts, College Coaches and Agents.


That is great for the 50 or so kids who make the Area Codes but it doesn't scale. The Area Code games are irrelevant for somewhere around 99.7 or so percent of the players, parents and organizations.

And there you have it!  No argument that Area Code is an elite event and only relevant for less than 1% of players, parents & organizations.  AC is very up front about that.  But the same is true for PG to a great extent - and that's what people don't get.  Only 15% of players that attend PG events are good enough to benefit from being there (other than the experience).  Most of the other 85% are wasting their time, effort & resources in a futile attempt to be in the top 15% that benefit. When Jerry Ford says PG isn't for everyone, that is what he is trying to tell you. But he will sure keep taking your money if you don't want to listen. One of the biggest problems in youth & HS Baseball have to do with uneducated consumers that religiously attend expensive events - and bring their unrealistic expectations with them.  A hard throwing pitcher has a chance to be "discovered" at Lakepoint.  Nobody else does.   Just my opinion - but it's an educated one.

I pretty much agree with you here, that being said if you are willing to engage with and take money from people who don't are going to get beat up about it, have some uncomfortable situations and less then positive reviews. What is the old saying, lie with dogs you are gonna get flees...

I have said many times, I am fan of PG, I enjoyed our trips to Lake Point and FT Myers - but PG is not the angel many portray them to be or the devil others do. They are for a profit company with very little competition. They capitalize very well on the niche they fill and obviously have a waiting list of consumers...God Bless them, what a country!!

Lets acknowledge that PG is biggest / most valuable / and I have no doubt the most profitable service in the sport. They don't need the public defense of what they do, they are big boys if they feel the need to defend themselves let them do it.

They are as greedy as the next guy but not anymore then anyone else IMO.

old_school posted:

I pretty much agree with you here, that being said if you are willing to engage with and take money from people who don't are going to get beat up about it, have some uncomfortable situations and less then positive reviews. What is the old saying, lie with dogs you are gonna get flees...

I have said many times, I am fan of PG, I enjoyed our trips to Lake Point and FT Myers - but PG is not the angel many portray them to be or the devil others do. They are for a profit company with very little competition. They capitalize very well on the niche they fill and obviously have a waiting list of consumers...God Bless them, what a country!!

Lets acknowledge that PG is biggest / most valuable / and I have no doubt the most profitable service in the sport. They don't need the public defense of what they do, they are big boys if they feel the need to defend themselves let them do it.

They are as greedy as the next guy but not anymore then anyone else IMO.

I have no argument with any of that. 

Change is brought about by necessity.  PG, at this time, has no reason to change what is working for them.  PERIOD.  And really, more power to them!  My kid gets to play amazing teams from across the country, that's what I'm paying to watch.  The Diamondkast subscription is also useful for informational purposes, and if you really want to know something they usually unlock all around Christmas for a week or so, look then.


CaCO3Girl posted:

Change is brought about by necessity.  PG, at this time, has no reason to change what is working for them.  PERIOD.  And really, more power to them!  My kid gets to play amazing teams from across the country, that's what I'm paying to watch.  The Diamondkast subscription is also useful for informational purposes, and if you really want to know something they usually unlock all around Christmas for a week or so, look then.


I respectfully disagree with you. Some of the criticism of PG on this site is very well founded. PG is getting feedback that they could use to improve their product if they chose to use it that way. They may not NEED to change anything but they might be be a better (and more valuable) company if they would. 

 Let’s be honest. 90% of the parents would not believe it PG told them their  kid didn’t have a future in baseball. Everyone believes that if there kid got one more shot they can prove themselves. They want to believe that.  I think it’s pretty easy to tell, if your kid isn’t one of the best at the showcase, if they aren’t writing about him, you don’t need to come back until something has drastically changed in measurables.  This happens in every walk of life. There are parents throwing money at all kinds of activities that their kid is not going to ultimately succeed in. This is more about the parents than about the businesses that allow parents to do it .

I would disagree on PG not doing anything to help African American ball players from those not informed.  There were 2 teams at MLB Play and Jupiter that were sponsored by MLB and PG that were predominantly African American.  They were intentionally put in the process to give representation.  I would disagree on the number of teams falling.  In the years I have been involved in PG it has continued to grow and I know this year they turned teams away from 17U and 16U so the can't afford it pitcher has a large hole in it.  Again, if you don't like the product don't buy it.  I'm sure they are hearing the complaints but supply and demand outweighs those complaints.  I complained at the beginning about paying at LP but I don't after walking 2 miles to get in several other places we played in Atlanta.  I would gladly pay their $5.  Plus don't complain about entry fee for parents.  I paid $20 a day at a lot lower level tournament in Charleston this summer.  Had to go back to the car and get more money.  I laughed and said no one will believe you guys are charging this for this tournament. 

it is funny that this whole thread started over someone complaining about not being able to see a box score for free which they could see for free.  Some times it is just misinformation.  Again, if you don't like it don't give them your money.

I'm all of you guys who are complaining about PG charging for it's events....please answer these questions for me:

Where did you get your free boat?

I'd love to have your Mustang convertible....which dealer will give me one for nothing?

What golf course to you play at that let's you play for free?

Who installed that home theater room in your basement and didn't charge you for it?

Get the idea?

Everybody pays for things they DON'T NEED....BUT WANT!!!  That's how life works.  NOBODY is forcing you to play in PG (or any other events).....just like nobody forced you to buy a boat, a convertible or that home theater room.

Get over it.....if you don't like it.....just don't go....and spend a nice day on your boat



Let's be very clear.  I did not call anyone racist.  But after reading this comment (and others by others):

As for the poor black kids who can’t afford PG how come they are traveling the country attending every major AAU basketball event?

I do have the balls to say what I said to your face, and the other faces in this thread.  PLEASE DO NOT EQUATE POOR with BLACK.  You can be white and not be able to afford PG.  You can be black and be able to afford PG. 

And moreover to say that those "poor black kids" travel all around attending AAU basketball events has nothing do with this argument about the expense of PG, their business practices etc.  You have no way of knowing what people who travel all around the country for AAU basketball tournaments can afford.   Or their race, nor should that matter.

Last edited by Twoboys
Buckeye 2015 posted:

I'm all of you guys who are complaining about PG charging for it's events....please answer these questions for me:

Where did you get your free boat?

I'd love to have your Mustang convertible....which dealer will give me one for nothing?

What golf course to you play at that let's you play for free?

Who installed that home theater room in your basement and didn't charge you for it?

Get the idea?

Everybody pays for things they DON'T NEED....BUT WANT!!!  That's how life works.  NOBODY is forcing you to play in PG (or any other events).....just like nobody forced you to buy a boat, a convertible or that home theater room.

Get over it.....if you don't like it.....just don't go....and spend a nice day on your boat



I don't think that's it.  If you buy the fancy Mustang convertible it's nice when the dealer offers to wash it for free, isn't it?  It's one of those "throw it in" things that makes the customer feel good.  With a team fee of $3000 why not throw in parking?  Or better, charge $3200 and throw in parking.  Then this thread never happens.

Being the proverbial 300-lb. gorilla in any major business means you will get plenty of complaints.  There are things I don't like about Verizon, Apple, the main grocery store chain in my area, even if I continue to do business with them.  When we decide to patronize any company (or not), we weigh pros and cons and make our decision.  But deciding to buy doesn't mean we forfeit the right to say our piece about things we don't like.  

I don't understand the commenters on this board who seem to bristle at almost any criticism of PG.  I also don't agree with the folks who just bash it.  There are things about PG I like, others I don't.  (Is that wishy-washy enough?).  My son wants to keep going to PG tournaments, and I generally look forward to them. 

When it comes to youth sports:  you--and more importantly, your kids--have to enjoy the ride.  If it's just an "investment" that you hope will return a college scholarship or an MLB paycheck, then I think you are doing it wrong.  Spend what you can afford and what makes sense for your family, but do it for the love of the game (and because kids need to experience being good at, and serious about preparing for, something--sports, orchestra, drama, science fairs, 4-H, whatever). 

I disagree with those who say parents shouldn't watch their kids' games.  Yeah, if you can't afford it, then you shouldn't go (of course).  But some of my best times with my children was traveling to and from games, spending family time in motels for tournaments, coaching their teams when they were young or just playing/practicing with them in the yard.  And watching your kid play is fun!  (Heck, my kid is a PO now, so I spend a lot of time at tournaments just watching other people's kids play.  Many are players I have watched grow up--it's fun to see them, too.) 

My oldest left for college this fall and I already miss going to her HS soccer and basketball games.  My youngest has a couple of years of HS baseball left, and I am trying to savor those before they are gone, too.

One of the really valuable aspects of PG has been it's verified metrics (whether at a showcase or with Trackman at Lakepoint and some of its other venues). I think a change is coming, driven by technology (and part of what makes PG so valuable is its database, so it's entirely possible that PG adapts to the change).  Within the next decade, easily available verified measurables and widely available high-def video are going to change the recruiting game.

In SoCal this Fall I have seen travel orgs like CBA and SGV Arsenal have scout days with FlightScope and getting verified exit velos, pitching velos, spin rates. No need to go to a showcase for those. I saw a HS program that had a scout day a few days ago that was covered by PBR. High school programs are getting Rapsodo units. The cost of the technology is dropping rapidly. Here are some high school and travel examples:

Flightscope is offering these days to high school programs and travel programs for free. Do you really need to pay for a showcase?

One of the scholarship offers my kid got was based on video and verified velo -- they had never seen play him in person. Not just short video highlights, though, rather they had been able to see a complete game he started because his HS webcast 4 or 5 games this year (and opponents also broadcast a couple). In a decade, probably all of the games will be webcast. A scholarship offer based on video is pretty unusual now, but I think in 10 years, it will be very very easy to see games and get verified metrics.

To be clear, I think events like the PG All American game in San Diego, Jupiter, Area Codes, the NHSI, the Boras Classic and the like -- events pitting the best teams and players against each other -- will still be critical in a decade, but I think the business model of (1) people paying for showcases to get verified measurables, and (2) people traveling to play in run-of-the-mill summer tournaments (the vast majority of PG tournaments) because they need those verified metrics, is going to change. 

Smitty28 posted:
Buckeye 2015 posted:

I'm all of you guys who are complaining about PG charging for it's events....please answer these questions for me:

Where did you get your free boat?

I'd love to have your Mustang convertible....which dealer will give me one for nothing?

What golf course to you play at that let's you play for free?

Who installed that home theater room in your basement and didn't charge you for it?

Get the idea?

Everybody pays for things they DON'T NEED....BUT WANT!!!  That's how life works.  NOBODY is forcing you to play in PG (or any other events).....just like nobody forced you to buy a boat, a convertible or that home theater room.

Get over it.....if you don't like it.....just don't go....and spend a nice day on your boat



I don't think that's it.  If you buy the fancy Mustang convertible it's nice when the dealer offers to wash it for free, isn't it?  It's one of those "throw it in" things that makes the customer feel good.  With a team fee of $3000 why not throw in parking?  Or better, charge $3200 and throw in parking.  Then this thread never happens.

this is the response from the marketing opposed to the strategist department!!

This one of the things I love about business you need so many different people to create a product. they don't all agree and they can all be correct and incorrect. It is all about levels and stages of product. It is one of the reasons the top executives are worth ridiculous money they make. It takes a special person to understand the timing and needs at any given point in a product life!

Believe it or not, sometimes businesses choose to charge less than the market will bear.  And sometimes this is good for both the company and its customers.

Anyway, change of subject, which is probably a good thing since this horse looks beyond dead to me:

Speaking of PG's value, if you want to read analysis of D1 baseball and MLB draft prospects, who has the best coverage, and what is the best value: PG, Baseball America, or

JCG posted:

Believe it or not, sometimes businesses choose to charge less than the market will bear.  And sometimes this is good for both the company and its customers.

Anyway, change of subject, which is probably a good thing since this horse looks beyond dead to me:

Speaking of PG's value, if you want to read analysis of D1 baseball and MLB draft prospects, who has the best coverage, and what is the best value: PG, Baseball America, or

I have paid for both PG and BA in the past, I still have BA, so I guess that is where my vote goes to.  I let the paper subscription lapse recently, twice I tried to renew on line but for some reason I think I have to mail in the check. I did pay on line to see electronic versions of stories, the kids prefer that but I like the paper version. I think that was $27 , paper is maybe $79 ( I don't remember exactly and could be for either 6 or 12 months?)

main reason is I enjoy the coverage given to Milb, I like to see what's in the pipelines of various teams. BA, college and HS stuff is adequate enough for me.

I suppose I could bitch about the price they charge for subscriptions but where would that get me!  


Smitty28 posted:
Buckeye 2015 posted:

I'm all of you guys who are complaining about PG charging for it's events....please answer these questions for me:

Where did you get your free boat?

I'd love to have your Mustang convertible....which dealer will give me one for nothing?

What golf course to you play at that let's you play for free?

Who installed that home theater room in your basement and didn't charge you for it?

Get the idea?

Everybody pays for things they DON'T NEED....BUT WANT!!!  That's how life works.  NOBODY is forcing you to play in PG (or any other events).....just like nobody forced you to buy a boat, a convertible or that home theater room.

Get over it.....if you don't like it.....just don't go....and spend a nice day on your boat



I don't think that's it.  If you buy the fancy Mustang convertible it's nice when the dealer offers to wash it for free, isn't it?  It's one of those "throw it in" things that makes the customer feel good.  With a team fee of $3000 why not throw in parking?  Or better, charge $3200 and throw in parking.  Then this thread never happens.

Disagree.  This thread started over someone mad because they had to pay for DiamondKast to see stats.  They said they could not see a box score for a game but that is not true.  They wanted to see stats I'm assuming because anyone can see box score for free.  They wanted the onstar turned on for free.  Yes.  PG could add it for free with the $3000 entry fee but why should they when there are those of us that will pay for it.  The parking lot logic would be like me complaining when I go to a UT/Panthers/Braves.... game and the guy who owns the lot wants to charge me for parking.  Why doesn't my ticket get me parking for free?  Because the team doesn't own the parking lot.  And even if they do, like the Royals, they can charge you because you will pay their parking rather than walk.  You don't have to pay $5 to park at LP.  You can park at the Chick-Fil-A or the Hampton or the Loves and walk down there.  Oh yeah.  Then you would have to buy a $5 chicken sandwich or stay in $120 hotel room or pay $3 per gallon for gas.  Or you could just stay home and pay $40 to watch it on DIAMONDKAST. 

I look at it this way. If you don't want to pay don't play. There are places I won't eat because I don't think the price is worth the food. Guess what? I go somewhere else. So you think if you don't do it your kid will be left behind? Well that's the real cop out. That's total BS. Don't be lazy there are numerous ways to get your kid out in front of the decision makers. 

Why does it bother people so much that PG makes a profit? If you think they are too expensive pass them up. If if you think it's not worth the cost don't do it. If your jealous that other people can afford it please stop. Do you yell at passing motorists that drive a nicer car than you? Do you drive down streets and get pissed off because someone has a nicer home? 

Here's an idea. Come up with your own model. Develop it. Market it. Sell it. Or maybe fit in the groove you fit in and educate yourself on what the best choice for your situation is. PG is too expensive for some people. It is not too expensive for other people. There are numerous things in life that would fit in this category. I have had players that didn't have the resources to play local showcase baseball. That didn't stop them from attending a local JC's camp, State Games, Legion Baseball, etc. It didn't stop me from emailing and calling college coaches and professional scouts. I have never not once had a player who played for me that wanted to and had the skills not have opportunities to play at the college level. NOT ONCE. 

So what's the problem? It's too expensive? Then it's not for you. 

From PG's website...  These are great goals but those I've highlighted are incompatible with their zeal for more and more revenue. 

Perfect Game’s mission is to -- Promote the game of baseball now and in the future by hosting the highest quality amateur events while providing meaningful opportunities and information to players, families, MLB organizations, college coaches, and fans.

Our goals include but are not limited to:

  • Collaborate with MLB and various other baseball partners to help the game grow.
  • Create baseball fans.
  • Help ensure that the best athletes are continually encouraged to play baseball.
  • Utilize best practices for the safety and care of baseball players.
  • Host events at best in class facilities and venues.
  • Encourage participation from all age and demographic groups.
  • Identify, recognize, and provide exposure for talented players and teams
  • Educate and assist parents, players, and everyone involved in the game of baseball

Not sure how you come to that conclusion.  Look at the top 250-500 in every class for PG Ranking, they are all committed to top schools.  Looks at the guys in the Pros...most attended PG.  if you are good enough, you can play for a sponsored team where fees are VERY minimal. My son was asked to pitch in Jupiter at zero cost. I’m a fan and I attended multiple games at LakePointe when my kid wasn’t even playing because I wanted to see a few of the phenoms pitch (fan).  They tell you What you will get at a showcase. You will get to showcase your talents at infield throw, OF throw, catcher pop time, pitching velo, exit velo and 60. It is yours to do what you do with it.  If you measurables don’t get you looked at, who is to blame?

"Old School"

The Area Code Regional tryouts involved over 2,000 players each year for 31 years. Average 40 College Coaches and 30 pro scouts at each tryout. Each year 300 players were invited to the Area Code games in Long Beach.

In addition, East Coast Pro was created by the Scouts to benefit another 300 players each year.

My favorite idea was the addition of International teams and the "Clinic" with Erik Davis, Dusty Baker, Tommy Lasorda, Dave LaRoche.


Jim T. posted:

From PG's website...  These are great goals but those I've highlighted are incompatible with their zeal for more and more revenue. 

Perfect Game’s mission is to -- Promote the game of baseball now and in the future by hosting the highest quality amateur events while providing meaningful opportunities and information to players, families, MLB organizations, college coaches, and fans.

Our goals include but are not limited to:

  • Collaborate with MLB and various other baseball partners to help the game grow.
  • Create baseball fans.
  • Help ensure that the best athletes are continually encouraged to play baseball.
  • Utilize best practices for the safety and care of baseball players.
  • Host events at best in class facilities and venues.
  • Encourage participation from all age and demographic groups.
  • Identify, recognize, and provide exposure for talented players and teams
  • Educate and assist parents, players, and everyone involved in the game of baseball

They're not going to list "Make Money" as a goal. 

They're there to make money and provide the most competitive baseball environment which they usually follow thru on. They just can't say that. Take the mission statements and goals with a grain of salt. An example. All these private schools looking to do good and provide and education. It's true they're providing an education, but they're also profiting off their students with their 30k tuition. Don't take their "core values" literally. They do some good and make a living while doing it. 

I also don't know where the idea that they exclude poor kids from comes from. It's a silly argument and applies to life not just PG events. 

Last edited by PABaseball
2019Dad posted:
baseballhs posted:

 Look at the top 250-500 in every class for PG Ranking, they are all committed to top schools.  

Of course, they are good players. But you don't have to play in PG events to be ranked.

No, but the vast majority have. And if you attend an event like the National or the Jr. National, most every kid is elite.  The opportunity to compete against that level of talent across the board, while in high school, is rare.

Last edited by baseballhs
baseballhs posted:
2019Dad posted:
baseballhs posted:

 Look at the top 250-500 in every class for PG Ranking, they are all committed to top schools.  

Of course, they are good players. But you don't have to play in PG events to be ranked.

No, but the vast majority have.

Ah, I think it's misleading. Many of them have played in zero or only a few when they commit to a top school, or they get invited to the National Showcase (no fee) or the Jr. National Showcase, or they decide to go to the WWBA after their junior year or Jupiter fall of senior year. If a kid has played in fewer than 10 PG events -- or even better, zero at the time of his commitment -- I don't know that I would call him a PG player. 

There is a huge geographical disparity on this topic. If you are in the Southeast, I think PG seems omnipresent. Here on the West Coast, it doesn't. Tons of PAC12 recruits commit without yet having played a PG event (though they may play one later).

Consultant posted:

"Old School"

The Area Code Regional tryouts involved over 2,000 players each year for 31 years. Average 40 College Coaches and 30 pro scouts at each tryout. Each year 300 players were invited to the Area Code games in Long Beach.

In addition, East Coast Pro was created by the Scouts to benefit another 300 players each year.

My favorite idea was the addition of International teams and the "Clinic" with Erik Davis, Dusty Baker, Tommy Lasorda, Dave LaRoche.



Your organization is great, it has its place and I am glad you have been successful with it. You are on a vastly different model, from the best I can from your website you have 26 tryouts that players are allowed to request being a part, upon approval from the AC organization that request is granted to some, then AC select teams of 25 or so from 6 regions or whatever and have it. I am aware you added the underclass event as well. Awesome stuff, my sons are friends with one of the players that was there this past summer. He had nothing but the highest compliments for the experience.

Your business is Apples and Oranges to PG - I wouldn't argue it being better or worse - just that they are extremely different. The closest thing I can gather to the AC is the PG All-American game, I have never heard a cross word on event either.  

The PG business model goes so far beyond the AC model it would be like comparing Amazon to the local Mall in your neighborhood. It is not worth the effort because other then the fact that they both sell some similar items nothing else if the same. There is a place for both of them but they are not remotely similar.



baseballhs posted:
2019Dad posted:
baseballhs posted:

 Look at the top 250-500 in every class for PG Ranking, they are all committed to top schools.  

Of course, they are good players. But you don't have to play in PG events to be ranked.

No, but the vast majority have. And if you attend an event like the National or the Jr. National, most every kid is elite.  The opportunity to compete against that level of talent across the board, while in high school, is rare.

That's sort of my point. How many kids at the National haven't committed already? And by attending the National showcase they become a PG player?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of PG (as noted above). My son really enjoyed the WWBA scene this summer.

Edited to add: just by way of example, looking at the PG rankings of 2020 players in California who are in the top 50 nationally:

  • #1 in state (#4 nationally): 0 PG events
  • #2 in state (#6 nationally): 12 PG events
  • #3 in state (#26 nationally): 6 PG events
  • #4 in state (#33 nationally): 0 PG events
  • #5 in state (#35 nationally): 6 PG events
  • #6 in state (#37 nationally): 1 PG event
  • #7 in state (#38 nationally): 1 PG event
  • #8 in state (#47 nationally): 2 PG events
  • #9 in state (#49 nationally): 3 PG events


It is just not the same as in the Southeast.

Last edited by 2019Dad
2019Dad posted:
baseballhs posted:
2019Dad posted:
baseballhs posted:

 Look at the top 250-500 in every class for PG Ranking, they are all committed to top schools.  

Of course, they are good players. But you don't have to play in PG events to be ranked.

No, but the vast majority have. And if you attend an event like the National or the Jr. National, most every kid is elite.  The opportunity to compete against that level of talent across the board, while in high school, is rare.

That's sort of my point. How many kids at the National haven't committed already? And by attending the National showcase they become a PG player?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of PG (as noted above). My son really enjoyed the WWBA scene this summer.

It’s hard to know exactly. I would say at last years Jr National, (I just pulled out the program). 40-50% were uncommitted, including my son.  The event was the first weekend of June.  I know a LOT of those kids have now committed, including my son and several others that were on his team that weekend.

baseballhs posted:

Ok, I just went through my son’s Jr. National team.  20 kids on the roster, 11 were committed at the time of the event. As of today, 5 of the uncommitted are now committed and one of the 4 that did not is a 2021.  I would guess it’s similar across the other teams.

Thanks for the follow-up. To my point about the National showcase, based on your data for the Jr. National and what has happened since, I would assume 90+% are already committed when attending the National.

I edited above regarding top 50 ranked kids in California in the 2020 class -- 6 of the 9 have played few if any PG events. Again, I think it is a regional thing. Not discounting your experience in your part of the country.

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