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Yesterday was an amazing day that I will take to the grave with me. My youngest son has discoverd the joy of winning a rec baseball championship, and the hard work that is required to do so. I have 3 boys. My youngest son (14) has different baseball interests than his two older brothers and plays rec baseball with his friends from middle school for fun. Our first two rec games of the year we got absolutely killed. The coaches stuck to our initial plan, and developed these kids into a tight-knit, team-first winning machine. We won our league last night after going to the losers bracket in double elimination. We beat the #1 seed twice in the final, and they were undefeated all year. You should have seen the look on our kids faces when we got the last shock and joy. It was unbelievable, and I will never forget it.....the utter joy of winning a local rec baseball championship. I was so proud of each and every kid on that team, because they listened and bought into our way of teaching them the game. Everyone of the players gave me a hug, and I'm still choked up about it today.

When we got home, I asked my son to think back about when we started doing long toss and tee work in the garage. He said "January or February". I asked him if he had ever prepared for a baseball season like that before.....the answer was "no". I asked him if he ever won a rec team championship before....the answer was "no". I asked him to imagine if he worked hard like this at any thing he does how successful he can be. He said, "I know what you mean Dad and thanks for working with me and helping the team". I'm in baseball Dad heaven. Big Grin

"I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.  I'm a member of the Cocktail Party." - Anonymous

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Thanks everyone. It really means alot to me.

PS...I've run into a few of the kids at the store and pool, and they are still walking around like they are the bees knees. We played 7 games in 7 days to come back out of the double emlimination losers bracket. Incidently, the team that put us in the losers bracket was also the same undefeated team (18-0) we beat in the championship game twice. What a run! These kids were amazing.

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