Greetings from Perth.
This is the most isolated city in the World, Outback on three sides and Indian Ocean on the West side of this city of 1 million.
Our two teams; the '16 and under' Cubs coached by Cubs scout Charlie Aliano and the Rays '18 and under' coached by Rays scout Jake Wilson finished their games against the South African National Team and the Western Australia State Team. Each team was 4 wins and 2 loss. Our players are learing the game from the pro scouts. In addition each game is watched by 4 Australian scouts including former NY Yankee infielder Pat Kelly [Matiners scout].
Christmas at the "host families" in Perth and on the 26 December fly Qantas airlines to Adelaide, South Australia for a 12 game Goodwill Series with
the South Australia State Team.
The Rays team has 5 pro prospects and definitel 12 Major College prospects who will benefit greatly from our coaches and the competiton.
Bob Williams
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