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He is a moron. He would have you believe that because Minaya went to his house on Thanksgiving that is what swayed him. Not that the extra money and year given to him by the mets had anything to do with it. Minaya better hopes this works, no one else wanted to give him the 4th year by that time he'll be pitching in middle relief. I'll bet that he pitches less than 550 innings as a met.
If someone offered me 30 million over three years, they'd be many things, but not what Pedro calls them. Had they paid me millions over the previous 4 years, they'd be many things, but not what Pedro is calling them.

Never thought I'd compare anybody with Sprewell, but both act like 10 million a year is chump change, both hit a coach (okay, Pedro was being rushed by a 90 year old at the time, a little different), both could seriously use a trip to a barber shop (not a salon, a basic, sports talking, 10 garage calendars on the wall, deer hunting discussion-type barber shop).

Talented pitcher, but classless on this occasion. I hope Boston and the Mets inter-league soon.
Leave the guy alone--he is just being Pedro -- one of the most off the wall and colorful top flight pitchers of our generation-- a sure Hall of Famer--career---182 Wins--76 Losses and 2.71 ERA

K's 2653 Walks 615

He can pitch for me any day and loves the big game

By the way the Red sox replaced him with Wells who has been known to be a bit "different"

If the Mets get him a bit of offense and tighten the defense he will be a huge success there not to mention you add 20,000 more fannies in Shea when he goes to the mound.
Again, we agree 100%. Some people in this website play the good kids roll when talking about baseball players decisions, and depending on their fans points of view they feel they have the right to ripes any body dignity. Baseball it is not a game any more, it is business!, and the owners are the first that throw away any player when his production start to decline. So Pedro has all his right to sign to the best offer. He doesn't owes nothing to Boston, Boston owes nothing to him. Millions paid for 7 years of good pitching, and hard work.
Remember what Boston did to Manny last winter, and he forgot about it and was one of the main reasons for Boston to win. Unfortunately, loyalty is a very rare condition in today baseball.
Last edited by Racab
Pedro=Greedy and Stupid

First off he just won the world series with the Red Sox, now hes gonna leave them for the mets? I mean come on, sure their makin some moves, but they havent been contenders lately, and i know he doesnt need that extra money,take a little less and go back to boston, maybe get you another ring, or at least play for someone who is gonna gonna compete year in and year out, plus all eyes are on you in Boston, for the Mets, even if he is their Ace, he doesnt get half the attention he did in Boston as number 2 behind Schilling, because everyone knows that in New York all eyes are on that other team in New York. Its just another case of some players getting too greedy. Sure the extra money is nice,but a ring would be worth more than that extra money to me. But hes Pedro, so who knows what hes thinkin. Guy is Nuts.
I knew that this is going to happen. I had a topic about it one month ago. It is natural that now Pedro will be a goat in Boston and a hero in NY. But some people that don't like Pedro anyways have now a reason to talk trash about him. Boston Media was the one that started on Pedro, and Pedro got upset. But in my oppinion, Boston Organization, that have nothing to do with Boston,(Mr. Henry have his history down here Miami also), don't deserve any respect after what they did to Manny, and Garciaparra, and lately to Orlando Cabrera.
Last edited by Racab

The ownership is respected and will live on political capital earned for a long time because they are widely perceived as putting the chess pieces in place to

A) Embarrass their biggest rival while winning the pennant

B) Win the World Series.

It so happened there was contracts that expired the day they won. The payroll will increase....without Pedro.
Pedro, at age 32, and with 13 yrs in the big leagues, has put up unbelievable numbers. The bulk of his personnal success coming
in 1997-2003 at ages 25-31.

13 182-76 2296 2653 2.71 615

However, many believe, as I do, the older Pedro,
at ages 33-34-35-36, will put up four yr numbers

26-20 450 300 5.0 210

Thus, his projected career totals will be
17 208-96 2746 2953 3.56 825 .684

With such numbers is Pedro in company

Roger Clemens ?
Tom Seaver ?
Warren Spahn ?
Jim Palmer ?

NO and He^^ NO,

Are those guys in the Hall? YES

Who can the older Pedro be compared with?
My guess is Dwight Gooden!

Who can we compare Dwight Gooden with?
David Cone?
Mike Mussina?
Kevin Brown?
Denny McLain?


Are these guys in the Hall? NO

With the older Pedro projected numbers,
will he get voted in the Hall, first ballot
in 2013. Not guaranteed

Will he be eventually voted in? Yes.

Is Pedro off the wall? Yes
Is Pedro colorful? Yes
Is Pedro a pitcher of our generation? Yes.(I guess.......but not sure if that's the
Pepsi Generation...or the Coke Generation)
Is the older Pedro a top flight pitcher?
........Omar thinks so


ps. Just in case you missed Roger's number
21 328-164 4493 4317 3.18 825 .667

(Bear is a huge Roger Clemens fan,
Rizzi is a not ! )

OBTW: Can GM Omar Minaya spend owner's money.
Answer: Yes.
Can he spend owner's money wisely?
Ya gotta be kidding me? NO

Can I get a NY...get outta her'?
Last edited by Bear

Way off base with you Clemens note-- I happen to think he is one of the best pitchers to play the game--where you get your info I do not know but then you posted at 3:03 AM-- at our age thinking at that time in the morning can be a tough road to hoe if we are still awake

You can run all the comparisons you want--I wasn't comparing Pedro to anyone nor can I surmise what he will do the next year let alone for the four the Mets gave him --Right now his numbers say Hall of Fame-- 300 game winners are a thing of the past--the starters do not complete enough games to win that many in a careeer-- 15 wins a year is 20 years in the bigs--pitchers don't last that long anymore

Is Pedro ready to break down ?? Very possible

Can he be a winner in NY the next two years ?? Very possible

Will he put fannies in the seats ? Without a doubt!!! And he will do this on the road as well because the NL fans have not seen him live and in person but for a few occasions.

As for what any player what their personality is I could care less--- as long as they win


A happy holiday to you and your family

Will I see you in Cherry Hill next month?

My memory does not fail me about your opinion of Clemens. You ripped Clemens several times on this very web site. Something about not being a team player, being selfish, or some
other bs.

With regards to when I access or post a thread,
this should not concern you, and as much, is another part of your bs for trying to address it.

Regarding Pedro future performances.
Only time will tell. You heard it hear first.

Plans are in place to attend. Will probably arrive early Thursday morning, and depends on who is driving. Been going yearly for some time. Ever since Mr. Williams and Charlie got it going in one of the rooms. Will be enjoyable seeing some of the coaches off the field. And of course it is usually the coldest of days in Cherry Hill.

A happy holiday to you and your family


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