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My 2012 did the PG National Academic.  I think the Sunshine East or South was run at the same time?  My memory is failing...

Regardless, PGSTAFF is correct.  PG will rate you regardless of which showcase you attend.  The Academic Showcase had very solid attendance from some top academic schools.  For those that weren't in attendance but were on my son's vetted list of schools, he sent links to his PG review and his "top prospect" status.

PG showcases are top notch.  Great experience.  And even if your schools aren't there in person, you can send them PG's review.  It's a highly respected, third party opinion of your abilities.

That said, I also recommend going where the schools on your vetted list will be.  Your vetted list means you are "fishing in the right pond" as they say.  You are a 2017.  You need to be in front of (in person!) your schools.  Find out where that is...what showcases/camps are your schools attending?  Don't know??  Then ask them.  They will tell you.  That should be the primary driver of where you go.  

Good luck!

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