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At 2018's first PG Event this weekend and the weather couldnt have been better.  Figured i would throw a couple of things out there that might help the next ones and what we will be doing different next time around:

Dont get there too early -- We got there about 20 mins prior to registration start at which time the players were told to start warming up for the 60, so 2018 warmed up for approximately 60 mins :-)...didnt run that bad at all, but slipped on the start that resulted in a slow 10yd and slower time than he is used to...hes hoping for a redo but not sure if they will have one...moral of this piece is to relax, dont get there too early as they do stick to a strict timetable but depending on what team he is on, he could be waiting a while.

While waiting in line right before their turn for velocity, have warmup so not going too cold...doing gloves holds would help -- There are just so many teams and players at these events, they need to stay loose without tiring themselves while also being prepared before their turn. 

All in all it is an outstanding event.
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