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I think this is a great idea as well as a logical progression in business expansion.

Only so many players can be on the Cape Cod teams or other well thought of collegiate summer leagues. This will expand opportunity for players who may be the third or fourh best player at their position to play high level summer ball.

There is always fear that expansion may cause a lowering of quality, but I think that our colleges have an ample supply of high quality ballpayers for PG to choose from.

I'm always in favor of promotion and opportunity for our home grown players, especially at the college level. (This may even get graduates better offers after graduation.)

Good Luck in this endeavor PG and associated teams.
Last edited by Quincy
This will continue to provide opportunities for those players who are #1 in their position as well!

There are not enough teams now in the collegiate summer leagues to give every top player a spot. How many colleges are there? How many Summer teams? I don't think the math adds up!

I love it that PG is expanding their influence into collegiate baseball. Great folks at PG, and I can only imagine a positive influence.

I never bought into the "evil Walmart" mantra and am fairly sure that the OP does not either. Just "tongue in cheek".
i think the old timers here know who pgstaff is, and have a great deal of respect for him and his actions. just like any other neighborhood, when the baseball talk slows down somebody picks up some news.

i can't see anything negative in this post. as a matter of fact its a very nice article about the new league. having been around that area of ny it's a beutiful place for baseball.

sounds like a great opportunity.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 20dad:
its a very nice article about the new league. having been around that area of ny it's a beutiful place for baseball.[QUOTE]

I agree. I imagine some of the summer leagues are difficult to run financially so I'm more than happy to see PG involved. Would sure hate to lose any of these summer teams and leagues.

In addition, I'd love to road trip out there. I've been to Cooperstown once and that trip was one of the highlights of my baseball life. Can you imagine spending a week or two in that beautiful country watching baseball?
The Texas Collegiate League has struggled with changes in league ownership and team ownership changes over the years.

The league here in Texas hasn't really had much fan support, but I think was very successful from a player's point of view.

To me it seems likely that there were issues with the New York League with those teams breaking away because that happened here in Texas, too.

If there is good fan support there, then PG's move will be brilliant.

Without fan support, it's a risky, but noble endeavor.

Good luck, PG.

    "But, you ought to see my stand up kills!!!!"

Yes it does papi. Just ask the folks in Esperance, Western Australia or Austin, Texas. They'll tell you. They remember the day when you had them rolling in the aisle one moment and then having to scramble under their desks the next. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs? Tame, real tame, compared to what was dropping from the sky down under and from the heavens above the Lone Star state. A free falling glassy eyed menagerie!

Take a gander my fellow HSBBWebsters.

Ruffled feathers? Maybe. I find your ability to drop 'em like flies refreshing papi. Revengeful actually. Especially on the heels of watching a particular menacing Hitchcock production. You folks flocking together in and around Bodega Bay know what I'm talking about. A dead bird is a good bird. Bodega Bayers, you would have liked the sight and sound of what papi sowed.

Picture this. Untold thousands of unfortunate birds losing their knack for defying gravity and then plummeting to earth. Their sad, rigid little bird bodies cast about. All with a frozen smile somehow etched on their not too pliable beaks. And their sides, looking much like a split chicken breast in your local grocer's butcher case, split right open from all of their unbridled chortling, cackling, chuckling, and chirping. The tell tale signs of rampant papi humor. Yes papi, your dry wit and your wet one liners kill!

And as for all of those scientists and health officials wondering what the he11 happened, I just don't have the bird brains or I'm too chickenhearted to offer an explanation. It could be that I had it drum-sticked into me at a rather young age to "not stick my beak into other people's business".

And papi, let not your misdiagnosed avian averse heart be troubled. Your eventual migrations down to Louisville to watch your beloved Louisville Cardinals will not place them on the Audobon Society's Birds in Jeopardy watch list. Why are they not at risk of succumbing to your mirthful musings or pernicious punning? Because I flew the coop and took care of them. Outfitted each and every one of them with a pair of tiny and appropriately themed earplugs. Nice, huh?

Louisville Plugger©...Plugging Your Portal-Preventing Your Plummet!

At first I had the dickens of a time inserting these miniscule humor halting and life saving earplugs into their tiny little bird ear canals. All of the time I was careful not to harm their Cardinal centric eardrums. They were all out of sorts as you can imagine. They really didn't like my method of stuffing. Well I've got news for them, I really didn't like trying to find their anatomically correct yet incredibly tiny ears. I soon realized I was getting nowhere. Much like this guy. I tried to smooth their feathers and even after my explanation, telling them about the perils of papi, the fowl and frightening occurrences at both Esperance and Austin, they weren't buying it. They thought I was just winging it. Wow!

Somehow I had to reassure them. When I announced that I had called the Johnson & Johnson© Consumer Safety Q-Tip© Hotline and invested my time and enrolled in their 12 step course, "Ear Care for Even the Tiniest of Ears (corn being excepted)", they all calmed down and alighted on the perch. Like the gap in David Letterman's front teeth they spaced themselves out perfectly. From then on the chore was a breeze. So fond of me they had become, they affectionately nicknamed me The Bird Whisperer.

So you see papi, you don't have to worry about the harm brought about by aiming your spouse sanctioned humor towards your fellow feathered fans. Unlike the friends of former Vice President Dick Cheney, your friends will not drop when you swing your attention towards them. They can perch contentedly in their seat next to yours with their little bird legs not having to scramble them to safe shelter. Rather those little legs will be happily propped up onto the seat back in the row below, totally relaxed. Sporting their inconspicuous little earplugs they will smile contentedly towards you papi, not hearing a word you're saying. Your witticisms wafting worry-free, wounding no one. I must say my earplug solution has me quite literally being "the wind beneath their wings" and "the wad within their ears (corn still being excepted of course)"!

But as with any endeavor that takes flight and much like the West Nile Virus..."only time will tell".

And with that I must say goodnight papi. May visions of soft-plumaged Petrels dance in your head.

Last edited by gotwood4sale

Well I'll have you know that they were planning a companion show to this one... was going to be called That Guy! A quite different story than That Girl! That Guy! was to be a sitcom about an adventurous young man leaving the hustle and bustle of Columbus,OH and striking out to make a life under the Big Sky in mountainous Western Montana.

I tried out for the part and made it to near the final cut, losing out to the eventual winner Ted Kaczynski. The show never bombed!


Last edited by gotwood4sale

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