Back Foot Slider,
i really appreciate the information. I mean that! It is very difficult sorting out the best kids when they are that young. Some very deserving kids are left out. Sometimes we don't even know of some of the best kids.
In another thread I brought this up. These lists create unbelievable interest. This in turn causes many people to contact us with information. That allows us to find out more about many players, either the good or the bad. That helps us become more accurate as these players reach draft eligibility or senior year.
It might have taken us a lot longer before we knew as much as you know about that kid. I guarantee we will check him out and rank him accordingly. This is exactly how it works and I thank you. And once again, the HSBBW has proven to be valuable.
I encourage everyone to contact us if you see mistakes or know of an extremely talented player we might have overlooked. Believe me, you will only be doing that player a big favor. Our stuff is followed by millions, including a very large number of decision màkers.