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Hi, I'm new to the site...I heard about it from the dad of one of my friends. I looked around this site and then found my way onto the perfect game site. I was wondering if someone would be able to tell me who is ranked in the 2006 top 1000 players from michigan or just the michigan rankings. I am pretty sure that I wont be on the lists but i thought it would be interesting to see if there was anyone that i know of have played against on there. I know that this info costs money so I understand if people dont want to post it. Thanks either way.
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Originally posted by thetexasranger:
Hi, I'm new to the site...I heard about it from the dad of one of my friends. I looked around this site and then found my way onto the perfect game site. I was wondering if someone would be able to tell me who is ranked in the 2006 top 1000 players from michigan or just the michigan rankings. I am pretty sure that I wont be on the lists but i thought it would be interesting to see if there was anyone that i know of or have played against on there. I know that this info costs money so I understand if people dont want to post it. Thanks either way.
If I'm not mistaken, the future General George Armstrong Custer may also have been from Michigan. As a matter of fact, I am also from Michigan.....
Northville from birth through 2nd grade, then Waterford in 3rd and 4th, then back to Northville from 5th-12th......and at various times to visit since then. I'm not famous though....but dangit, I COULD be!!

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