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My son's team just had the unfortunate experience, last week, to play in the Pefect Game 18U World Woodbat Tournament in Cobb, GA.

In all honesty heavy rains washed out many games and made scheduling a nightmare for the tournament hosts and for the teams who came from all over North America.

While the Perfect Game staff worked long and hard to work around the rain to reschedule games, my son's team played only 3 games in the whole tournament. I think they guaranteed us 6
games, if I'm not mistaken.

I'm not so much bothered by the lack of games, but rater by the way our team was treated by Perfect Game. We'd ask them for an advanced notice for makeup games and in one instance they called us to be there in 15 minutes, while the other team had already been noticed and was at the field. And if we didn't get there in time, they'd give the field to 2 other teams, which they did and we had to sit through that game and play afterwards.

They also called to tell us a morning game had been rained out, but they never called us to tell us we had the game in the first place.

And on Saturday, the day many of our players headed home they scheduled our game against another CA team, at 5:00pm, then 6:00pm and guess what, it rained out.

Perfect Game was more intent on giving scheduling treatment to "Elite" teams as I call them, who had prospects that supposedly scouts wanted to see. These teams were large select teams many with 10-15 pitchers only on their rosters.

Some of these teams played 6-9 games nad even though the were obviously better than my son's team, we did pay something like $1,000.00 to enter and deserved more play and better treatment from Perfect Game.

We flew from California spent thousands of dollars on transportation, hotels and meals, but were treated pretty shabby by Perfect Game.

I would think that the right thing would be for Perfect Game to offer a partial refund on the tournament fee, but as far as I know they haven't called yet and haven't indicated that they intend to.

I know our team and others are going to think twice, about next year and about any dealings with Perfect Game in the future.
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Sacto BB...

Mother nature caused severe challenges for the Perfect Game folks as I have read about the very difficult situation they were faced with during this big event.

It's unfortunate what has happened as you describe some difficulties and I can understand your feelings because of the many dollars spent to participate in a first class tournament, travel, etc., but these challenges were very difficult as Perfect Game CAN"T control weather and what would ANY showcase/tournament organizer do in the same situation.

These folks at Perfect Game are the most organized and respected baseball people in the game today. THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of players and their families have highly praised Perfect Game and their staff for "years". The Ford's whom run this business are first class in my eyes and I have seen them operate for years and know what they stand for when it comes to helping baseball players get seen and the professional manner in which their events unfold each time they schedule a showcase and/or tournament.

We have attended events by Perfect Game where the weather got very nasty but Perfect Game somehow pulled it all together, transferred us to different fields and the games were played because the Perfect Game staff worked so hard to see it through as they do event to event.

A refund you ask for, "you must be kidding"! These folks spent hours and hours of hard labor and scheduling nightmares and you want a few dollars back?? P L E A S E...

Refer to the Perfect Game message board site and they discuss this event at length.

Here's the link;


By Baseball America...

"Rain Postpones Majority of WWBA Tournament"

"Many Top Draftees Impress at WWBA"
Last edited by MWR-VA

To be blunt you are lying! Please tell us the circumstances around your team getting 15 minutes notice! Everyone who was there, even those who are unhappy, will know you are lying!

Our staff saw every pitch in the tournament and not from the gate. Our staff completely took care of the grounds on several fields. We even bought Atlanta Georgia completely out of "Turface" Diamond Dry. This was some $15-$20,000 we did not have to spend unless to try and give everyone a chance to play.

There were teams that were not in the playoffs who got 7 or 8 games in, because instead of moaning they stuck around and played! One of those teams was from California, another was from New York!

We don't mind the truth. It was a very tough week! But please stick to the truth.

I have found out today that many of the nations top college programs have made numerous offers to many players from this "FAILURE". And that is what this event has always been about. Got a call from TPM son's coach today. They made 5 or 6 big offers to kids they saw last week! If this is a failure, we don't know what we are doing. Some teams decided to leave early... The college coaches were still there! There were still some MLB Scouting Directors there to the end! Some kids will benifit greatly because their team stuck around. Instead of whining they got what they came after.
These types of threads always make me very sad. We have attended quite a few Perfect Game events and found every one of them (rain and all) to be top-notch in every respect. Perfect Game is one of the best organizations for HS baseball players I have come in contact with. The people who run it are first-class and I deeply respect, admire and like them. They are stand-up people who would answer any concern you might have if you addressed them directly.

It makes me really sad when I see rants like this on a public message board. It really is the thing that drives me off of these boards from time-to-time.

PG, keep up the great work. I hear you guys worked your a$$ off to make the event work. Good job and keep it up!
Last edited by justbaseball
My husband and I went on a cruise and it rained most of the week. We did not get to sit by the pool much, and when we went into town to go sightseeing, we had to cut it short to get back to the ship. For two days the weather was so bad, we could have used our seat belts from the car. We never once thought to ask for our money back because the weather was bad! And when we came back, we told everyone we had a blast, because we really did. Big Grin

Talked to TPM's son's coach and he sounded exhausted, but said he had a great week. And TPM has also heard from a lot of websters here that despite the weather, they are thrilled with the results, many phone calls and offers!
Maybe next year you should cut the teams in half, or go by invitation only, then you will have the same websters complaining that their son's team missed out on the event because you did that!

Sometimes there are some you just can never make happy. They could have played 10 games and if there was no interest it would have been your fault. I don't blame you for being upset. You shouldn't have to come here to defend anything you have done. If someone truley had a complaint about how you ran things and they felt cheated, then they should have called you on the phone, and discussed it, not here. Just goes to show you what you are dealing with here.
Keep up the good work, I know one college coach personally, a whole bunch of websters and one players parent (me)who really appreciates what you do!
Last edited by TPM
This was our first trip to a PG team event and while the rain was disappointing it was a great experience. Saw many outstanding teams and we were covered up by the colleges and scouts. After getting in just two pool games we were the #2 seed overall and lost on an extra-inning tiebreaker in the second round of the playoffs. 3 games in 6 days but not the fault of PG just bad luck with the weather.

IMO, other than playing in the Connie Mack World Series this event has no equal. We'll be back. Thanks to Jerry, Andy, Betty and all the PG folks that toiled with little or no sleep to keep it together.

PG Staff, it bothers me to see you have to defend yourself in a public forum. I feel the communication problems that are being mentioned have to do more with coaches-to-parents than PG-to-coaches. Keep up the good work and save us a spot next summer.

John Fuqua
DBAT 18 General Manager
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
Sacto BB,

I deleted the new post that you made just above this one. I have also changed the title of this thread from the original one which I found offensive, "PG Strikes Out!". I believe that you are wrong, and I also believe that it is wrong for people to come on a public forum such as this under an anonymous screen name, and publicly bash a well respected organization which works very hard on behalf of HS players who hope to play baseball beyond HS - the same objective that this site works for. Many members who attended this event have helped the rest of us to see how very hard PG worked under extremely difficult circumstances. None of us know what led to the short notice you described - perhaps someone's cell phone battery was dead and rescheduling calls could not be completed, or perhaps your game was scheduled at a field affected by the purposeful sabotage that was described in another post.

I believe in allowing dissenting opinions and honest debate, and I generally will tolerate posts that I don't agree with, knowing that usually members will speak up and "the truth will out". I've read several long threads on this topic and I see about 20 to 1 posting very convincing descriptions of how very hard PG worked on behalf of the players at this tournament under almost impossible circumstances, the extra expense and effort they went to in order to provide as many games as possible for teams who were there. I have lost my patience with this topic, and if necessary I will start deleting posts and threads, and even suspending posting privileges if necessary.

Any concerned members, my e-mail address is:
Last edited by MN-Mom
amen to that, MnMom!!

Header for Tournament Forum reads:
This is the place for information, dates and contact nformation about tournaments and showcases. It is also a place for high school coaches to "look for" games.

Time to remind of board manners, too. which can be found on message boards rules page.
Last edited by baseballmom

I have finally figured out which team you were with. You guys were extremely unlucky. Your coach did everything possible for you guys.

I'm not sure you know just how hard we worked to try and help him and your team. If you really care, feel free to give me a call after we return from Atlanta. Should be back next week. 319-298-2923

Please understand that we know some people are upset. If I were in your shoes, I too might be disappointed. Now put yourself in our shoes. We may have made some mistakes, but for the most part, we feel we did everything possible under the circumstances. We received more compliments from college coaches and scouts than any other event we have ever held.
I was going to write yesterday in defense of PG but since I wasn't there I thought I'd let those who were there defend them.

Obviously there are a lot of emotions involved as well as dollars. I'm sure no matter how well PG tried to communicate, there had to be some breakdowns...even within some teams. I know I've seen questionable communciation at tournaments, or with teams without rain! My point is that unfortunately Stuff happens.

With that being said a couple of points.
1- Obviously PG has a number of strong supporters (deservedly so).

2- Many people come to the site to learn about a number of issues good and bad. I don't think it is a good idea to edit/delete messages unless their vulgar. The truth always comes out. Perfect Game is a great organization, but like all companies they have their +'s and -'s.

They may make changes in the future or may Sounds like unless they had the Georgia Dome, and a row boat it wouldn't matter.

I enjoy the site immensely...I don't want people to be afraid to post their opinions slanted or not on the site.
I can't say anything except good things about Perfect Game and the people who ran this tournament. I too was disappointed that we didn't get to play more games, but it wasn't Perfect Game's fault. My team was rained off the field in two of our games right before the first pitch, and we only got to play three games throughout the week due to all the rain. The day we arrived, it rained 8" in Marietta, and last I heard we got 17" over the course of the week. You should be amazed that they got in as many games as they did. The Fords, and their entire staff, busted their butts to keep things running as smoothly as they did. I would have liked for my team to get more games, but I realized that they needed to have fields for the teams that were still in contention, and since we had lost all of our games just like virtually every other Northern CA team, we would have to take fields that were available after providing for the teams still in contention.

To top things off, somebody vandalized the field at Kell High School Friday night (purposely flooding it in the middle of the night), and the PG staff was out there Saturday morning working their tails off to make the field playable. They put down over 3/4 ton of turface and vacuumed up approx. 250 gallons of water trying to get the field ready to play. I know this happened as I was on the field helping them for over 3 hours that morning. I don't know who Sacramento BB is, but I can guarantee you that he wasn't out there working. Despite everyone's efforts,the field ended up not being playable that day, but if you knew what PG was willing to do to try to make the field playable, you'd have been impressed.

Anyone who has a complaint about the PG staff after all they did last week really has a very limited view of reality IMO, and should probably just stay home next year. I can't imagine why PG would have you back. Frankly, I'm a bit embarassed that anyone from my area would come off as you have, so just to be sure that I'm not found "guilty by association" I'll sign off by identifying myself.

Dan Sozzi
Head Coach EDH Vipers.

****ed glad to have been there, and looking forward to going back next year.
I do believe the post may have been deleted because on another thread PG had apologized, only for someone to start up again.
The whole thing should not have been brought up here on the HSBBW, regardless if it was PG or any other organizer.
If people had been so upset the should have contacted PG by phone to discuss the situation. JMO.
I also feel, that the parents should have gone to their coaches and tehn have teh coaches go to PG.
For future references to all coaches. When you go to an event such as this and there is foul weather, your players should be ready to play at a moment's notice.

Participants in Perfect Game recent event:

As the creator of the Area Code Games, the grandfather of "showcase" baseball, I do not envy the situation you described. Jerry Ford and his staff work "around the clock" to provide opportunities to the high school baseball players.

It is an impossible task to produce an event of this size and then the rain, however everyone arrived home SAFE. PLEASE COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!

In California, no rain but earthquakes; in the midwest Tornados; in Florida - Hurricanes.

An event is successful, when the scouts and college coaches remain into the "wee" hours of the morning. If the players [actors] were not quality, the audience would not remain.

Jerry, has much more patience than I would in this situation.

In International Baseball the strong teams of Korea, China, Japan and Australia test the ability of our American players. Since 1983,
40% [115] of our American players have achieved a Major league roster position. You or I would not want your players in this International environment, if they cannot adjust. "Baseball is life". It teaches a person to adjust to the situation.

As a footnote: For the parents and players who did not have sufficient games, did you have a tee for practice or play "rapid fire" soft toss. Anything to prepare for the game opportunity. Throwing "sock balls" at the hotel. What about hitting in the swimming pool with a "flat" bat. Improve "bat speed"
and you improve your skills. If I was a scout or college coach and I observed any player practice as I described. This would "get my attention".

A little creativity and imagination will improve the tools and attitudes of players and parents and allow Jerry and his people to prepare the fields.

Bob Williams

I totally agree with you-- some teams and parents have the discipline to take turmoil
and make it all serene--others just want to cry about it---baseball is basball and conditionsmany times dictate what happens--the "REAL" baseball folk know how to use the downtime to their advantage make it all work for them-- how about visiting college campuses in the area in your downtime in the ? Isnt that a novel thought !!

Folks--don't cry over things you cannot control---smile and make it work for you
Last edited by TRhit
Sacto BB

It sounds like maybe you have an issue with money more than anything.

This is a rule I live by when spending my kid to expensive camps and showcases. You take a chance the weather will be good. You take a chance that the camp will be run correctly and efficiently. You take chances with the hotel room the rental car...on and on...

You take something good out of whatever situation your placed in, no matter how unfair it may seem to you. If you can't place your frame of mind in this position then maybe you shouldn't be forkin out any money for any games.

Life is what you make of it.

Just my opinion.
Lets just say that I've NEVER seen it rain so hard in my life. I had to run to get our car, about 30 yards from the front door of the hotel, and I looked like I'd been thrown in the pool when I got to the car. It was incredible how hard and how much if rained. Lots of lightning right over the hotel too! That was fun Wink

It that rain had been in the Sacramento area, the fields would have been unplayable for weeks, literally. Andy and Ben Ford, and Jim, are probably still trying to wash the mud out of their clothes. They were a muddy bunch on Saturday. The people who run the East Cobb facilities, as well as Kell High School, were first rate field people. In fact, everywhere we went, the field crews were top notch.

Their baseball facilities put what we have here in CA to shame.
Sacto voiced his complaint and Jerry Ford responded. Why do so many people have to pile on and make the guy feel so bad. Perfect Game doesn't need everyone to defend them, as they can defend themselves.

I am sure the field crew did a great job but I can also see a team not being contacted IF they didn't leave a contact # or a hotel # for them to be contacted. JMO.
Last edited by br549
about bayside yankees,
understand they were major whiners as they usually are.can't understand this since they should'nt be allowed to play in the first place.
look at his roster and you will see most of the players he uses are already particapating at the college level.thats right,they already [have]been in college one year.most all the players that are already in college are playing in summer [college] there a reason other than to try and win at all cost to use college players against[and they still can't win].
Understand the reason the Bayside Yankees are there is to look for players from other rosters who they can grab for next year.... Happens every time we play them or are in the same event. Within days, my players are getting phone calls/letters. One went, was promised the world, major college, draft etc and got none... Everyones' roster is an open tryout...

Only one underclassmen on the roster.....why PG has them there I don't know.

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