I don’t have a dog in the fight, but if I did, I’d contact PG and ask them what kind of college representation they are hoping to get with it being during the Quiet Period.
This ain’t PGs first rodeo and they likely have a plan. It can’t hurt to ask.
Good luck!
Most people on this forum who have experience with PG events will testify that there is no way PG will advertise who will be at events, chiefly because they have no idea. And then, it would appear from your post, that you think schools would willfully violate the NCAA quiet period rule while working with PG to attend their showcase and evaluate players who attend it?
"A coach may not watch student-athletes compete (unless a competition occurs on the college’s campus) or visit their high schools."
Seems pretty simple to understand to me
Wow. Nowhere in my post did I say that D1 or D2 college coaches would attend in blatant disregard of the NCAA rules. I also did not say that PG would say what colleges would attend.
I merely recommended a parent trying to make the most of their recruiting dollar at a late stage in the game what may be a good idea (to contact PG and ask questions about “Why should I spend $600 on a Showcase that D1 & D2 Coaches cannot attend?”). Let PG explain it.
As I said, this is not PGs first rodeo, so I believe they have thought this issue through. PG did very well for my son and I consider the money we spent a great investment.
Some years back, Dynamic (I think it was), had a Combine/showcase that ended up in a non-contact time, so they live steamed it and recorded it so coaches could watch at their leisure.
Whats the harm in making a phone call?
Not throwing stones at you, but when you explicitly stated: " I’d contact PG and ask them what kind of college representation they are hoping to get with it being during the Quiet Period." It kinda sounds to me like you were saying they are working with college coaches to circumvent the rules. Just took the statement at face value. No harm, no foul.
I disagree that PG thinks about getting college coaches to a showcase they put on. Frankly, I don't think they give a rip, because they sure never sell them like that. The showcases are a chance to see how you "measure up" and to get verified metrics on your profile and a PG scouting report and grade. Nothing more. Not saying something good can't come from going, but having been to a few rodeos myself, I have never seen this employed as a marketing strategy by PG.
People can contact PG all they want, but I highly doubt PG is setting a live-stream of the event up for coaches to watch on their computers or TVs at their schools. Frankly, I doubt any school is that desperate for a player to numb their minds like that when they get literally hundreds of kids per day sending them emails with video in it. Those are kids who are a) reaching out to the school and showing interest and b) not wasting the coach's time by forcing them to sit thru a live-stream to see them. Gotta say, in my book, a live stream of a showcase is going to be a yawner for coaches. I personally just can't seeing them do it. On top of that, if PG did that explicitly to get around an NCAA rule, I suspect "they have some 'splainin to do, Lucy." And you know that if that was a legal workaround, PG would probably be doing it and charging more for those showcases because they are "streaming you live to every college coach in America"...PG doesn't do anything for free. Still waiting for that stand-alone version of DiamondKast they said they were going to put out for everyone to use back when it first was introduced...they supposedly wanted all the metrics from all the games the players play. Gamechanger forever!