Originally Posted by 3FingeredGlove:
I can't tell if you guys (jjk and MST) are looking at some other video, or are just using the R1/R2 terminology loosely.
Let me temporarily use a different set of names. As the play begins A is on 2nd, and B is on 1st. The're both going on the pitch. After the strikeout, F5 gets the ball while A is far from 3rd, and A runs back toward 2nd with F5 chasing him. B is standing on 2nd. A reaches 2nd without being tagged, and F5 tags B. B is called out. At the moment B is tagged, A has probably left 2nd towards third, but the video is not clear enough to determine when B is first tagged. A is subsequently tagged out near 3rd.
I believe that jjk and MST contend that 1) A wasn't touching 2nd when B was tagged, and 2) that means B shouldn't have been called out.
Let's assume that A wasn't touching 2nd when B was tagged. Does that mean B is not liable to be put out while he is touching 2nd? The answer is no-- he is not entitled to the base. Here's NCAA rule 8-1c:
If a runner is in a run down between bases and the following runner occupies the same base the first runner has left, the second runner cannot be put out while occupying said base. If the first runner, however, returns safely to the base last touched and both runners then are occupying the same base, the second runner is out, if touched with the ball and there is no force.
Once A touches 2nd (or just comes close to it), he re-acquires the base, and A is not entitled to it. Note that throughout the NCAA rule book occupy does not typically mean touch. This situation is different from OBR, in which both runners would need to be touching the base in order for B to be called out.
OBR in my blood, sorry. Ex: Bases loaded: R3 @ 3rd, R2 @ 2nd, R1 @ 1st.
I contend that: Though both were touching 2nd, the tag was not applied to the right guy, "the guy from first 1B", until, after R2 left the base. I.e. they were not both "occupying" the base when the following runner was tagged.
#Fingers: You claim that no matter where the lead runner is, as long as he hasn't reached the next base the following runner is out if tagged on the bag? I disagree.