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Caring a full load in the Fall, Phillip fell four credits (2 courses) shy for his Associates. It would not of mattered, because come to find out(during exam week)he would of been an English course shy to play D1; his core-curriculum only required one English course.

He starts back at PJC on Monday to finish his Associates.
As of NOW, he will not be attending LSU.
Sorry to hear there is a conflict keeping Phillip from LSU this spring. I'm sure he will continue to excel at PJC. Hopefully the opportunity will present itself again.

Thanks, it is early and a couple of schools have shown interest. Coach "Turtle" Thomas expressed high hopes for Phillip this Spring, he was going to use Phillip alot according to our conversation.

Sorry to hear that, I went to PJC and it took me more than two years. As Juco's go it's a hard one and with baseball on top -- well.

Thanks, Alot the problems were incurred during his Freshman year; the first semester he was scheduled for courses that did not apply to his Magor. I caught this a few weeks in and notified his coaches; so he actually started picking up his Magor's credits in the 2nd semester and he has been playing catch up since.
Additionally, it didn't help that they won the State Championship that year which qualified them for the JUCO World Series. He was unable to enroll in Summer Courses.
Right now, the main objective is for him to get his Associates and qualify for D1 eligibility.

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