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OK...I've always wondered about this and thought some umpire or know it all might just have an answer! Say you have a left-handed pitcher that is ambidextrious. There is a runner on 2nd base. Can the pitcher change the glove over to his left hand (hopefully not being noticed), come set as if he was going to throw a pitch to the plate as a left-handed pitcher and immediately step off with his left foot and attempt to pick off the runner using his right arm to throw the ball? Man, I hope that made sense! Anyone know if this is legal?
"You see, you spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time"
Original Post
No, it's not legal.

A pitcher's pivot foot (the one in contact with the rubber) is determined by the pitching hand. If the pitcher stepped on the rubber as a lefty, his left foot would be on the rubber. As soon as he switched the glove to his left hand he would be in an illegal pitching position and a balk would be called.

Even if the umpires were to experience some type of simultaneous temporary unconsciousness and didn't notice that he changed glove hands, they certainly would notice that he didn't have to turn around to throw to second base.

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