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I recently played my first varsity scrimmage and realized right away I can not pick up a curveball when batting. I was just wondering what drills anyone knew of that could help picking up the ball rotation as it is coming to the plate, or how to work on picking the ball up out of the pitchers hand. Thanks in advance for the help.
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IMO, at the high school or lower levels, hardly anyone can hit a “good” curveball with any consistency. So just join the club and hope you don’t face too many of the real good ones. You are not the “Lone Ranger”. I can count on one hand the number of youth players I've seen who can hit the "good" curveball with lots of success. Luckily, there are not that many young pitchers who throw the "real good one".

The reason for the above is fairly simple. Players at these levels just don’t see the real good curveballs very often. It’s hard to hit what you don’t practice. There are very few BP pitchers who throw good curveballs for practice purposes.

That said, IMO the recognition needs to be followed by a brain message that tells you opposite field. This does not mean you automatically hit every breaking ball the other way. It just helps your timing, but still allows you to power or pull the hanging curveball.

Repetition is what a hitter needs. Until that happens, follow Willie Mays advice, before you see the breaking ball – hit the fastball!
Last edited by PGStaff
there is drill to help work on curveball timing, not for the recignition though

i know sammy sosa does this drill, get a L screen and have the pither throw the ball in a parabula type of curve

also as a batter you can pick up tendencies where the pitcher would throw the curve, or tip off his pitch, most high school pitchers fall into a pattern, or dont notice they're tipping their pitch

hope this helps
Last edited by ccbsball12
That said, IMO the recognition needs to be followed by a brain message that tells you opposite field. This does not mean you automatically hit every breaking ball the other way. It just helps your timing, but still allows you to power or pull the hanging curveball.

I see to many players give up on the curve ball being pitched at them.
Its the perfect pitch to hit if you think opposite field.
It drive's me Nuts to watch Players waiting on the Fast ball in High School.
You'll find some in HS throwing mostly Fastballs.
But the majority are throwing Breaking Balls. IMO the EH
Manty, the "hole" you describe is the sign of a slider. A curve will roll more towards the hitter, with topspin, usually cocked at an angle. There is no "hole" to see on a true curve.

Instead, the batter has to recognize the direction of the spin and the difference in speed to pick up the curve ball. Also a good batter will note the difference in the pitcher's arm action and the different release out of the pitcher's hand. Really you should watch the pitcher when you're waiting your turn to bat, to pick up on nuances like those.

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