Being a local volunteer batting instructor, I get approached quite often about kids batting sucess or lack thereof especially if I had a hand in their swing style.
One kid recently was slumping. I try to watch as many local games as possible.
The dad said he needed some outside help. I said he did not need swing help he needed pitch selection understanding ...the 6 inches between his ears was getting him out. I said that until he walks more he will not hit for a better averge.
The dad said he did not want him walking and really did not understand the concept. He felt that walking was a waste. I told him every time my son was leading any team in batting average that he was leading that same team in walks.
I talked to his son about leaving the mechanics as they were and swinging only at FBs down in the zone until 2 strikes and lay off CB and high FBs. He agreed to sit on that pitch for a few games. Sure enough....he walked 3-4 times in the next 3 games and hit over . 600. He is still on a tear three weeks later as he got hooked on the good pitch
He was good enough to put that bat on almost all pitch locations but nobody is good enough to leverage the ball in all locations.
A valuable lesson learned and the Dad also did not even realize who lead the ML in walks...a guy named Bonds.....Barry Bonds
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