Originally posted by BBB08:
Is it common for a larger high school baseball team to have players that are Pitchers Only. If he only pitches and never bats....will it hurt the recruiting potential by college coaches/scouts. Pitching stats will be impressive, but will not batting be an issue. I am clueless about this one and need experienced advice. Thanks.
Most recruiters are looking for one way players only. They might get lucky and find a position player that can eat up a few innings, but you will rarely find a player that can do well playing two ways.
IMO, it's very difficult to become good at both. If a player has the desire and ability to continue playing past HS, he should concentrate on one poistion and that should begin in HS, especially pitchers, more so to avoid injury than anything else. Never go with the theory that if you don't make it in pitching, you might make the lineup, but a position player with a strong arm might often find his role moved to pitching. That's just the way it works.
If one is a pitcher only receiving a few innings per season in HS and has a good bat, Coach May makes a good suggestion.
TR brings up a good point, the game is completely different these days, and that is how they are recruited, or scouted as players, by one position.