My son (09, LHP) recently (November) threw at 2 invitation only workouts and is scheduled to throw by himself for 2 other area scouts within the next 2 weeks. This seems early but the scouts say this is becoming the norm. One scout stated "it is imperative we determine his desire to play pro ball, our jobs could be at stake if we make a mistake about his signing". Also, a representative from the MLB scouting bureau wants to visit next month in our home.
I have read most of the post about going pro vs college, which is very good info. However, I need some perspective on a pitcher vs a position player. If the player is ready (round drafted), the scouts are telling us it is more important for a pitcher to go early than maybe a position player.
The scouts also added "most high school pitchers (lefty) are drafted higher than most college pitchers, around 68% (5 yr average)". I personally hope for college; however, my son is leaning pro (his decision, with our guidance). Bonus $$ will be (1) factor, since he has a nice D1 scholly in hand (for 1 yr). We need some perspectives about pitchers. Hopefully, I am not asking the "Board" to reinvent the wheel.
Sure wish bbscout was here to add input.
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