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Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
In our district (7 teams, AAA), we have one kid who throws 90-92 and four who are in the 85-89 range. There are any number of kids in the 81-84 range. At the low end of that range you will get pummeled unless you have Maddux-type control, movement or off-speed stuff. (Or maybe just a classic "crafty southpaw".) In high school, it's easier to find hard throwers than Maddux types. Lots of big strong kids, but it would be expecting a lot to demand that a teenager truly master the art.

Midlo dad just curious were your from? I play in the southeastern district (AAA) and you basically described our district.
I just recovered from a tendon injury from over pitching. Currently I am only pitching mid seventies while I try and build up my arm, especially endurance.

I Throw a 4s fastball, slider, and a circle change with a sinker under development. My fastball has slight movement to it and I have very good placement with it. I am a junior in highschool and I expect to be hitting 80 atleast once I fully recover.

I've never relied on speed to strike anyone or get the groundout. I simply out think the batter and have him guessing.

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