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Son has a few pitcher only players on his team this fall. A couple of these pitchers and their fathers only want to attend games when they are pitching. Some of the tournaments involve overnight stays and some don't.

Personally I have been vacillating whether I agree or not. One day I feel why should they hang out all weekend to pitch Sunday afternoon. Then I think they should be there to support and gel with the team. My son, a position player, feels the later, be here and support the team.

What is the consensus on this topic?
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I'm with your son. All players should be at all games to support the whole team.
We have had guys try that and it didn't go over well with the other players. Our elite teams didn't allow this because it seems too self interested. If the parents couldn't be there some one took their son.
Too much ME factor.
All of a sudden you become a team player ?
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
I see the team concept, but with fall teams the primary focus is on the recruiting objective, not so much on winning. I don't see the problem with letting people leave so they can keep up with school, keep expenses down, etc.

With position players, even if you're not in the starting lineup, you have an expectation of getting into the game. If a pitcher gets burned on Saturday and you have no intention of using him in any capacity on Sunday, you're going to make that kid pay a hotel bill and restaurant bills just to sit the bench on Sunday? And put him behind the 8-ball in school maybe, too?

I'd let it slide.

In fact, I think you'll find many fall teams encourage this, as a carrot to induce pitchers to play when they otherwise might not be willing to make the commitment.
Actually, I'm okay with a pitcher coming and going at any time in club ball during fall, winter or summer. However, most pitchers that have played on my club teams are position players (at least to some degree) as well and if they stick around, play a field position at some point during the tourney.

However, for those guys that have developed into pitchers only...I can't ask them to stick around for another 2 days if they have pitched their maximum amount of innings...unless they are a very good hitter and I can use them as a DH or EH. If that's the case then they want to stick around because they know they can contribute.
Last edited by Coach Waltrip
Midlo Dad quote:
I see the team concept, but with fall teams the primary focus is on the recruiting objective, not so much on winning. I don't see the problem with letting people leave so they can keep up with school, keep expenses down, etc.

Perfectly said IMO.

My kid always used the weekend to catch up on studies, sleep, and enough hours to keep the pt job. Fall ball while a great opportunity to be "seen" can also have an adverse affect in some situations. I found it a great excercise in "time management" where he had to make the "right" choice while looking at the "big picture". He got his quality innings on the bump, but also fulfilled his other "life" obligations.

Position players? thats a tough call.

A spin-off question. No hijack intended.

The Fall travel season is short lived with a varied cast of characters throughout the season in many cases.

What if your kid is a role/mop-up player, does not see much time with this Fall travel team and is basically there to be a "filler". Most weekends he may get a couple of ab's and a little pt. Is his time and your resources better spent at home working on improving his game/school studies than sitting on the bench when going out of town?
Last edited by rz1
I can understand a showcase team but I got the impression it was a travel team.
I know one player who used to leave and there was player resentment. They didn't jell with the guy because of it.
Our team and I am sure all teams work very hard between games so it isn't just sitting on the bench. Also my son was the 1st one to greet players and cheer them on. BB isn't just about playing time.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
If it's travel baseball and the players parents are paying for them to play then I say they should not have to be there the entire weekend.

If it is a free team or sponsered team and there main goal is to fight for a championship rather than exposure for the kids (which will happen if they are winning anyway), then I think they need to be there.

In professional baseball the pitchers come, get their work done, and then leave. Rarely do they hang with the position players except for team fundamentals, group sessions, or team practice.

I think at the younger levels (like hs and below) it is good to have the kids together all the time. Practice together, play together, hand out together. That's what makes winning teams. But at the pro level, unfortunately it's not like that. I wish it were and in the rare cases that it happens, those are the teams who win! I once heard someone say "baseball is an individual team sport".

My personal opinion: no matter the age level, a team should be like a family. That's the only way to have a winning team IMHO.
If these are mercenary teams, trophy hunting teams or showcase teams, it's probably not that big a deal since these players are most likely playing for personal gain and exposure. If it's a traveling team, a legion team or a high school fall team where these players will be together as a unit, then it's better the pitchers stick around as part of the team.
This team is basically a showcase team, definitely not mercenary, that has been together for the summer and fall. Most of the kids have played as a team since June, some for years, so there is team chemistry.

Like I stated earlier this doesn't bother me and I can see both sides of the situation. I will say though that with a couple of pitcher only's staying the whole weekend the players do notice who stays and who leaves after their game. No real resentment, not a big issue on the team, and certainly no hostilities, but my son has told me that their are some comments and raised eyebows so I thought I'd throw it out there.
This is a tough question, as a pitcher only in HS, my son was always required on every team, fall and summer to show up at every game until his last summer before he left for college, given time to do other things, before they headed away to spend time with family, friends, working, etc.,with advance permission.It wasn't just showing up to pitch, but to work out, and get your fieldng drills in or work a bull pen. This was basically what all coaches required.
I think it was good practice because in college he was required to travel, whether he pitched or not, and that included weekdays and weekends, where some schools do not take all of the pitchers. And the same goes for proball, you don't stay back if you travel for a few days and they don't need you.
I think it was good practice for understanding a pitcher's role within the team, but I do know that times have changed.

But times have changed.
Son is not required to be at all games - just when he is pitching. He gets along fine with all the players. Maybe the key is to work hard when you are there.

A coach is talking with him about the summer and what his role will be. Sounds like he will continue pitcher only, but will pitch several innings every other game or on a few days rest. He will be required to be at all the games.
During Connie Mack ball this summer pitchers were there only when they pitched or if they were going to get a chance to play a position or hit.

Don't forget that the pitchers, who at times are better hitters and position players, are freeing up playing time for the position players by leaving when they're not pitching.
I agree with Midlo Dad and rz1.

Son played fall ball only once (after his JR year) with a team from Denver (100 miles away) just to get exposure. It was pretty much a team to showcase players as they usually had a bunch of JUCO and local college coaches in attendance. They usually played DH's against JUCO's on Saturday and Sunday. Pitchers usually only threw three or four innings max regardless of how well they did. Coach told us which day he would be pitching and didn't need to show up on days he was off. Only one showcase which was in AZ so we stayed the whole time. Fall ball was the best thing he ever did as far as exposure.
Last edited by FrankF
Originally posted by justbaseball:
As a parent of a 'pitcher-only' kid...we always stayed the whole weekend.

As a coach, I always let these kids leave if they wanted too. If they decided to stay, I'd try to get them some ABs.

I'm with Midlo Dad. I'd let it slide...wouldn't give it any more thought.

This reflects my view completely.
Reply for travel / showcase teams, not high school teams: When a "pitcher only" has used up his innings, he is free to go. Some would go, while others would stay.
My preference is for the "pitcher only" to be there only on his scheduled day. It is my belief, if each player understands his role, this should never be a problem. As 17 and 18 year old players, you should be focused on your play and your future, not if someone is there to cheer you on from the bench. JMHO
Let them show up to pitch only - it's not going to hurt.

The older the players are the more able they are to accept it and the same goes with talent.

One thing that might be a problem and leads to snide remarks by position players might be the pitchers being jerks about it. They show up and be arrogant with their role and say things like "I only have to be here when I'm needed" and other crazy stuff like that. I could see that leading to problems but other than that I think most players will handle showing up for their appearances only.
That's a different issue. NCAA rules limit travel squads to 25. A pitcher you know you're not going to use is an easy decision to leave behind, so that you have as deep a bench as you can squeeze out of your roster.

It does make it a bit easier for starting pitchers to keep up with their classes. Esp. if you're a weekday starter who is not used out of the bullpen on weekends. Many times those guys are younger, too (freshmen), so it helps them acclimate to the very high stress of travel vs. classes in smaller bites.

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