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I have a son who pitches in high school who has been helped by my friend with whom I played minor league baseball. He also pitched in the major leagues for awhile with the Yankees. Last year he was the major league pitching coach for the Toronto Blue Jays. Now he is the AAA pitching coach for the Yankees. I have created a web site for him to analyze pitching videos on the side. With this message I wanted to do two things. One was to get the site some exposure and the other was to get your opinions on how popular you think something like this might be with people. If it is inappropriate that I post something like this here, please go ahead and delete this message. I think he can help any young pitcher. Anyway, if you have time to look at this website and want to share your opinions that would be great.

His name is Gil Patterson and he is a very conscientious, honest, down to earth person who knows a ton about pitching.

Original Post
Hi, I just wanted to update my post on this website that is available for players/parents to send in videos to have pitchers evaluated. The website is There is now a phone number where you can call and talk to Gil about your pitching or your son's pitching if you are hesitant to simply send in the video straight away. Anyway the phone number is on the site but here it is in case anyone has any questions - 1 831 842 1314. I think he would just talk to you with questions about pitching even if you did not send in a video. So, it is a pretty good opportunity, I think.



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