My control is ok, not great at full distance, so I am usually in front of the mound and have good control and location from there, and move the Lscreen even closer if I want to sort of simulate faster pitching (I'm not a real hard heat kinda guy from full distance)
I try to do a couple rounds (20-30 pitches) of just BP fastballs, then a few Changeups and then I mix CUs and FBs for another 20 or so. I'm working on a Curveball, it isn't great but it's getting better, so we'll sometimes work on just those for a round. I just want it good enough to be effective for him to practice against it, and so far . . . well I'd say 4 out of 10 are good. I'm working at it.
I also try to work certain areas like low and away, areas that pitchers typically try to work him, just so he's prepared for them in a 2-strike count.
We end up doing another 20-40 FB at the end of BP.
Now I've gotta work on throwing lefty!

PG, I like the ideas of the situational hitting. We'll add that to the routine, thanks!