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Hi everyone,

Looking for opinions... My son is a HS senior and is being heavily scouted by the Pro's and recruited by D1 schools - they are looking at him to play CF. He also pitches...the HS coach has recently took him from a starter role to that of a long reliever/closer - no biggie, what ever helps the team. My concern is that he is being asked to close both games of double-headers. He is too good to take out of the line up to give him proper time to warm up so they don't. I have a real issue with heating him up - cooling him down - then heating him up again, all without proper warm-ups (the other night he pitched in the second game with only 3 warm up pitches - ump cut him off and coach didn't fight for him).

Aside from the obvious issues with the coaching I am looking for:

1) Documentation on if this is good or bad. Websites with studies advice etc...
2) To hear your opinions on if you all think this is a good idea.
3) How to approach this with the coaching staff if you think I should.

Thanks in advance for any advice/info. I've been lurking for a long while and this is a great place.
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Coming in from CF to close one inning in a double header is not really a big deal if not a lot of pitches thrown , long relief is, but he needs the warm up and rest for a few days.

Suggest that he keeps throwing in the OF in between innings and insist on the number of warmups he's allowed.

It depends on how many pitches he throws in the close of first game and how much work he put in as the centerfielder. If he has a high pitch count that may be a different story. As a closer he shouldn't.

It's the warmup I would be concerned about if he has been idle in the CF.

I don't recommend it for everyday. Smile

I have seen a catcher go into pitch, go back to catching and catch the entire game the next day. His arm hasn't fallen off yet.
Last edited by TPM
Thanks so much for the replies.

Just to clarify: They are asking him to play CF until they need him to pitch in the first game - so he does both CF and P in the first game. Then he starts in CF the second game until they need him to pitch again. Either or both trips to the mound can be 3 innings (and maybe more). Coming from CF to pitch is not a big concern to me but doing it twice in one day is what has me worried.

Thanks again.

As I said above it is a recipe for disaster---regardless of the innings involved it is a bad situation

How does he warmup properly ?

Regardless of the innings involved

And then to play CF after the first game appearance can lead to one throw to cut down a runner and there goes the arm


My son was a Pitcher /CF in the beginning of his HS career and he could bring it---upper 80's low 90's--granted our weather here in the Northeast Spring is quite a bit different than yours but he was called into pitch in game with snowflakes falling after 4 innings in CF--no warning--no alert---got his 8 pitches to warm up and then walked the first batter on 4 pitches--coach came out screaming about his control--son handed him the ball said thanx but no thanx and told him I am done pitching--walked off the mound went back to CF and had a great HS Career as a CF/hitter

A position player, especially an outfielder cannot get properly warmed up to pitch--regardless of how you do it--even throwing in the bullpen between innings---go back to the outfield and the arm cools down---this is the main reason any players we have who play positions and pitch will not play positions when we expect use them on the mound that day, be it the first or second game---we even hesitate to use a kid at first base after pitching a game--let him DH but don't take the chance of a throw with a "tight" arm
I am not disagreeing with you know that teh facts have been properly stated.

3 or more innings is not closing, it's long relief. The pitcher is more than a closer.

Forget about the OF, pitching two games in one day is the recipe for disaster.

Coming from outfield to pitch one closing inning now and then if that is the players predominat role is not that terrible, seems he is relied on for pitching as well.

Since I may have missed all of the facts, I apologize.
Thanks again for the replies.

The coach took over the team this year after not coaching baseball for 20 years or so. My son was not the only pitcher he has done this with. The team is low on pitching this year and really only has 3 solid arms to work with and he has used the other 2 in the same manner. I talked to the other fathers and they didn't like it but said nothing - so I let it go until he tried to use my son the same way.

I had a conversation with the coach after reading your thoughts - just needed the sanity check before I went to him. Believe it or not he said "you know, I was thinking it might not be a good're just confirming what I had been thinking". I said "so you were thinking this could hurt the boys but went ahead and did it anyways"? He said "well I don't think I'm going to do that anymore". I said "good idea".

As you can tell we aren't dealing with the sharpest tool in the shed and I have already started moving up the proper chain to have his service reviewed for the future. Winning is key at the Varsity level but if you aren't willing to put the health of the players first then I don't think you deserve to coach.

Thanks again for the help everyone.

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