I have been reading the Pitching and Throwing posts with a huge amount of interest the past few days. Some of the Strasberg posts really seemed to be more about the risks of pitching, and the necessity of good mechanics, breaks between seasons, and the issues that can happen as a pitcher takes on greater pitching loads, particularly as travel ball seems to acquire younger and younger ballplayers.
I am really interested in the programs that parents and coaches with older players would adhere to, not just the amount of break, but how your son/player comes back from a break. I can honestly say we wish we could talk our child into another sport. For him, baseball is all he seems to want to do. Presently we are on a six week pitch break where he is focusing on conditioning/complete fitness, but he was just called with a tremendous opportunity which would cut his break 2 weeks short. In addition, it is common sense to come back in slowly. We will be making decisions, and I just don't like it. You will hear someone tell you a player shouldn't miss an opportunity, but at the same time you are aware of the parameters you set before the season, and I personally do not like compromises, especially when it could affect the health of sons that look to us for guidance.
I would like some experienced parents, players, and coaches to share how they break, what they work on during this time), and how they come back in to pitching after their break.(I know slowly, but how) In my mind, I separate baseball into 3 seasons: spring (for our son-- HS), summer showcase, and fall ball (American Legion HS and 1 or 2 showcase tournaments). I realize this part varies depending on age, but I still feel I could learn alot from hearing from people at all levels.
I look forward to some good advice. I know that nobody follows the exact same schedule, just as we don't have the same eating, sleeping, or study habits-- but I really do believe that several of you out there could offer some very helpful advice, not only to our family, but others.
Sorry so long. Thanks in advance.
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