I am new to the board. It seems to have a lot of good advice. Maybe someone can shed some light on this for me. My son is 15 yrs old and pitches for our local Jr. American Legion team. He has a decent fastball which only a few hitters can catch up to. His coach calls all the pitches for all the pitchers. He has my son throwing 3-4 curveballs per batter if the count goes long. I asked him why he is not looking for the weakness in each batter and going after him with the pitch he has difficulty hitting. Here is the response I got:
> 0-0 offspeed pitch (i dont care what off speed pitch it is but our team
> not throw first pitch fastballs. 1-0 is an adjust to the offspeed pitch
> that missed its location ( again dont care which offspeed pitch it is, as
> long its the one they throw for a strike). 2-0 fastball, 3-0 fastball,
> fastball, 0-1 fastball, 1-1 fastball, 0-2 fastball high and inside out of
> the strike zone unhitable, 1-2 offspeed, low and outside in the dirt (dont
> care which offspeed pitch it is just make sure its out of the strikezone
> unhitable). 2-2 fastball, 3-2 offspeed (dont care which one just throw it
> for a strike). That is the "basic" sequence they will adhere to as
> of this baseball team. I think I covered all the counts.
> This is a basic pitch sequence that if Ryan learns now he will be
> ahead of other children his age. I assure you of this.
> If he is learning how to locate any pitch at this point it should be his
> change up. Location on his fastball is fine other than the fact he dosent
> get it in on hitters often enough but that will come with age.
Can someone explain the logic behind this? I might be old school and was taught to go after the hitters weakness and don't throw off speed pitches to a hitter that demonstrates the inability to hit the fastball. Any advice that might help me understand this will be helpful. Thanks.
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