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I know this isn't related to TX high school baseball, but the TCL does/will affect some high school players in the future as they move on to college.

I received an email the other day that said the Plano Blue Sox team in the TCL was to be dissolved on 12-31-2006. Anyone have any information on the reason behind this? I can only assume money? Maybe lack of support? Just curious.

The TCL added one team this year and moved one to another town, and now lost this one.
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You're right on, Uncle Ethan --- I too wonder about the direction of the league. I haven't done extensive reserch but it is my impression that in order for a collegiate league to survive long-term, it must have robust support from the community. Does that exist in the TCL? Is it too early to tell? There have been a few teams that have folded and others that have relocated, only to find the going equally tough at their new venues. I know there are a number of excellent baseball men associated with these teams -- and certainly several outstanding coaches. The TCL has been "ranked" among the top summer leagues for college kids. I hope it has staying power --- need a play to watch my kid in a few years. Cool (ok, that's somewhat presumptuous)

I notice there is a new sheriff in town for the McKinney Marshals. Hmmmm.
I think in order for the TCL to compete financially, it will have to move it's teams outside of the metromess.

Why? To much competition for local sports dollars in areas like Plano, HP, Colleyville, etc. Why would a family in Plano pay to go see a College League play when they could go to Frisco and see a minor league team or Arlington and watch MLB?

Heck, go to a Division 1 baseball game at DBU or UTA right here in the metroplex and you see maybe 100 people in the stands. TCU is the exception to that rule in town.

You also seem to need to have a great base of communty support to be able to house the players and to fill the stands.

Heck, go to a local HS baseball game in a town outside of the metroplex and you will see the stands packed with alumni and locals. You won't see that here where most of the people are transplants. How many real locals are there anymore? Look at the population of Frisco, McKinney or Keller 20 years ago and then look at them today. Not the same for towns in the outlying areas.

Also, in smaller communities, the local TCL teams are the talk of the town. Pick up a newspaper in Graham or Grandbury and the TCL team is on the front page of the sports page, helping with the local interest.

My $.02, that and $4.00 more will buy you a cup of coffee.
The players did stay with host families this past summer.

If the team from Graham is moving to Wichita Falls, there might be some unique cirsumstances there.

In my opinion, the league has been competitive and successful from the player's point of view.

With the levels of attendance that I have seen, and considering the obvious costs involved, the financial viability will come into play at some point.
FO is correct. Matter of fact, my son plays for the Marshals and he said he was looking for a host family (and we live in McKinney.) Some of these host families go way over the top for these kids.

I believe the comments made by KD are pretty accurate. I don't have the facts or numbers, but I'm pretty sure that no team is making enough to cover costs. The people who own these teams are doing it because they want to. I know that the Marshals do a lot of things to encourage attendance and make it fun for everyone involved.

It's just really hard to draw a crowd for amateur baseball around here.
According to Tom Hicks, it is really hard to draw a crowd for professional baseball around here.

I stand corrected on the housing of players. I can promise it isn't the first time I have been wrong about something.

I do find it interesting that we are speculating on the long term viability of this league and the City of Dallas has not one, but two proposals from different independent minor league teams to build a stadium in downtown. Can you ever have too much baseball?
I can't ever have too much baseball, but my wife can.

If Mr. Hicks and his team were to find a way to put consistent decent pitching on the mound, then they might have a better draw.....but it's so much easier to sit back, complain, and point out everyone else's flaws than actually make those decisions.

I know that it's difficult to get people to attend. Most of the Ranger games that I've been to have not been crowded, and the same for the RR in Frisco. TCL games are the same. McKinney charges, what, $2 a ticket? We even had free admission at the MMWS in 2006 and couldn't get a draw for that either. Don't know if it's the heat, too much competition, or just not enough fans.

I had heard something about the minor league teams, but all I can think is that someone must have some really deep pockets and really loves the game. BUT, if they do build it, wouldn't that just provide more opportunities for the kids around here as far as playing venues? Sounds like a good deal for the kids.
I was actually fortunate enough to coach for the Blue Sox the first two seasons. It was very dissapointing to hear about the Blue Sox situation. Paul Rogers is a very classy, and well respected baseball man. He treated his players and coaches with respect, and took a personal interest in everybody involved with the team. The TCL is really a special league that I am thankful to be a part of. In my two years with the Blue Sox, I was fortunate enough to coach two College World Series Champions, one player who made his MLB debut last summer, and numerous players who will be in the big leagues soon. I got to coach with a few great men who taught me a lot about the game, and made many contacts that will hopefully help my coaching career. I met many scouts, one in particular that I am an Associate Scout for. I still keep in touch with numerous players that were involved with the Blue Sox, and each one truly enjoyed their experience with the Blue Sox and the TCL. I will not go into detail about the troubles the Blue Sox had w/ Highland Park, but it's very unfortunate that things did not work out there. It really could have been a great situation if the school and the community supported the organization and the league. I really hope that the TCL will continue to be as successful as it is. If any college players read this post, I hope that they will take my advice and do whatever they can to experience playing in the TCL. The minor league atmosphere with all the "sideshow" games and mascots, the 100's of autographs that each player and coach signs for little kids, and the friendships that are made during two great months in the hot Texas sun is really an opportunity that should not be taken for granted.
Last edited by C_PEN_Bears
If any college players are looking for a place to play this summer, consider the DABA. It is a very established league with many college players and some ex-pros.

Not very time demanding, only about 30 games, but good competition and it is a wood bat league.

I help coach the Pirates. We won the regular season but went 2 and out in the post-season tournament. We have a few players coming back, but need some more.

Let me know if I can help.

Great post! My son has signed his contract to play in the TCL this summer and I am looking forward to it as much as he is. I think the experience he will gain will be great, but the friendships and memories may be more important.

Thanks for your involvement in the league over the last few years. I am a big fan of the league and do my part to support it by attending as many games as possible.

For all the "posters": if you have never been to one of these games, take time to go out and watch these college players continue that dream. Take your son and enjoy it together.
I agree with posters about the great experience at a TCL game. We (my son's and I) watched the Lonestars at Colleyville and then at Texas Star in Euless when they moved there. We really enjoy it.

Don't miss a chance to sit with your son(s) on a warm summer evening, and talk the talk that dads and sons are made to talk at an amatuer baseball game.....
well i don't know much about the financial end of the league but they sure play alot of's a very tough league with lots of talent, my son tried out and got picked up for ten days in 05,had to try out again in 06 and played at Graham all season.he was home two days and left for school.i guess he'll try again this summer cuz as of now he has no place to play.we live in duncanville but sure would like to find a host family in McKinney (ha ha).For real though he was treated very well in Graham and thought he might play somewhere else but didn't make up his mind fast enough, so whenever he gets back from school we hope he can play close by cuz tcl games were great. so was our MMWS experience,good luck to mike this year
I have been involved in the TCL since it's inception and I have to say that all of the previous posts are pretty accurate. The league will only survive if more people come to the games this summer and more local businesses continue to support it...It is all about revenues...The baseball piece is fluorishing(sp). It was ranked third this past summer by Baseball America after only three years...It has surpassed the jayhawk, alaska, and the other 12-14 leagues.

If I was to start a league, I would start it in FAR, FAR , FAR West Texas. I would have these towns in the league: Fort Stockton, Alpine, Marfa, Del Rio, Pecos, Monahans, Junction, and Kermit. Now that would be a true Texas Collegiate League. Judge Roy Bean would be the commish.
Catcher, then maybe the umps can go on the field packing heat. I also don't really know the reason this league doesn't draw the fans. It's good baseball, the prices are cheap, the youngsters enjoy getting involved in the contests, the college players are asked for the autographs by little kids. The heat isn't really too bad at the night games.

However, if you figure it out, then let us know so we can get people to the MMWS.

Rabe, MMWS Jr. said he was looking for a host team next summer. Big Grin Apparently he thinks that I'm too hard on him.....or we just don't do all of the special stuff for him like his teammates get.

How is Rabe Jr. doing in Cornhusker country? And the little one?

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