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Thank You Giants! As a life-long Giants fan I am pleased to see that they took the high (and right) road in taking steps to send Plaxico down the road ... he's the perfect prospect for Jerry Jones' half-way house in Dallas.

For all of us trying to teach our aspiring student athletes that character counts ... all the time, we can thank Plaxico for giving us a wonderful object lesson in the price of choosing STUPID.

Thank you Plaxico for providing another teaching moment we can use to try to help keep our kids from becoming ... well ... a Plaxico.
I am going to take the unpopular opinion here, I actually feel really bad for the guy and don't think he deserves to do jail time.

Sure, legally he did not possess a concealed weapons permit in NYC. He did possess a concealed weapons permit in Florida, although it was expired. I find it plausible that Plaxico was unaware of the concealed weapons laws (which are very tough) in NYC.

Also, with the number of NFL and NBA players that have been targets of crime recently, I don't blame any high-profile athlete for carrying a weapon to protect himself, especially a high-profile WR on a NY team that just won the super bowl.

Should have Plaxico had that proper permits?....yes
Are you an idiot if you shoot yourself in the leg?....yes
Should there be some sort of punishment what he did?.....yes

However, with the jail time that Plaxico is facing and the intent that he had while carrying the weapon (his own protection), I honestly do not think that the punishment fits the crime. Thankfully no innocent people were hurt, and if there had been, obviously much more severe punishment would be necessary.

That being said, being known as he idiot who shot himself in the leg for the rest of his career/life just may be punishment enough.....
A friend of mine who is a former NFL player has often told me about how at the opening of every training camp, the league brings guys in to speak with the players about: financial planning, illegal substances, people and situations to avoid, local laws, how to get ready access through the team to personal security if you feel you need some, and an array of other things to help players protect themselves from themselves and others.

In the same breath he then reminds me of the make-up of the audience: mostly young (early 20's), prima donna athletes, who are exempt from the rules and common sense (in their own minds), who are still invincible (in their own minds), who know it all, and are lacking desperately in any grasp of reality (like most newly minted 20-somethings).

They now have lots of money, lots of free time, lots of hangers-on who are not attending the local Mensa meeting either, and nobody telling them what to do 24/7. Gee ... is it any wonder that some find themselves in trouble?

On a human level, I feel bad for anybody who finds themselves facing jail time ... but that is the ramification for some of the choices people make. The irony is that the reason Plaxico faces such a harsh punishment is that the very same lawyer he is using got P-Diddy (or whatever he calls himself) off of a gun charge in a similar incident in NYC; after which they tightened the law.

Regetably for Plaxico, he chose poorly.
Originally posted by thegame2003:
Also, with the number of NFL and NBA players that have been targets of crime recently, I don't blame any high-profile athlete for carrying a weapon to protect himself, especially a high-profile WR on a NY team that just won the super bowl.

I don't think you'll find that the crime rate against pro athletes is any higher than the high risk lifestyle person they are emulating. That argument is the weak sauce that pro athletes throw around, but it's baseless. They carry guns because they think it's cool.

Carrying a concealed weapon is stupid. Plaxico is stupid. The world is less safe if Plaxico or any pro athlete has a concealed gun, he just proved that. That is why concealed weapons permits should be very hard to obtain. The fact that someone of his low IQ and poor judgement could even get a concealed weapon permit tells me that system is far too lax.

Concealed weapons should be for everyone or no one. Everyone has one and we'll all play nice...and little Johnny rat face will think twice about trying to mug Aunt Sally.
Last edited by CPLZ
I am going to take the unpopular opinion here, I actually feel really bad for the guy and don't think he deserves to do jail time.

Would you feel different if he was in the club doing the Hokey Pokey and his chambered, unsafetied gun fell on the floor, went off killing someone you knew?

It is illegal to take a gun in a bar, even if you are licensed and have a CWP, which he obviously did not. A concealed weapons permit is nearly impossible to obtain in NYC. He is another darwinism poster child.

He made an error in judgement that should cost his freedom for awhile. He is this years Mike Vick.

The public is so over prima dona athletes beating the system. (See Vick, Clemens, Jayson Williams etc.)
Last edited by Dad04
CPLZ posted: Concealed weapons should be for everyone or no one. Everyone has one and we'll all play nice...and little Johnny rat face will think twice about trying to mug Aunt Sally.

Umm. I'm thinking Aunt Sally might need one because the armed mugger couldn't get one, even if he tried. The cops obviously can't protect her. They just handle the paperwork after she goes to the morgue.
Last edited by Dad04
The guy has always had an attitude problem. I get so disgusted by some of the bad decisions these guys continue to make. Time after time, chance after chance they have egos that could fill a dump truck and don't learn from their mistakes because they don't recognize that they made one.

Pro organizations promote this kind of ego and then act awed that the star acts like a moron. Most of these guys are in their early twenties and act dumber than doorknobs. I think the entitlement that they give these guys and the lack of direction given in college programs cause a lot of these kids to get to the pros and be ill equipped to handle the fame, money, women and perks that go along with the position. They don't learn the obligation to and responsibility that comes with that entitlement and then act so surprised when it all goes bad. Players have to be held responsible for the small things they do and not just jumped on when it goes really bad. It is, in some ways, is an institutional problem.

It goes a little deeper than one moron with an attitude. Let him pay for his stupidity. Coming from a guy who can afford security, it was an irresponsible act. Pay someone to pack for you. NYC has been cracking down on guns and has been waiting for a celebrity to pin it on. He gave the politicos their meal. I think that Bloomberg coming out and announcing that the guy should do time is tantamount to tampering with the legal system.
All I can say is, Thank God he was his own victim.

He's got to be an idiot carrying a gun in New York. If he shot someone while defending himself in NYC, he would have went to jail anyway... remember Bernhard Goetz?

I don't think he'll do jail time, he's got too much money for his defense. That's one thing that is consistant in our justice system. It doesn't matter if you're black or white when got the green.

If he does wind up in Rikers he won't be coming out the same man.
Last edited by Texas Crude
Originally posted by thegame2003:
Sure, legally he did not possess a concealed weapons permit in NYC. He did possess a concealed weapons permit in Florida, although it was expired. I find it plausible that Plaxico was unaware of the concealed weapons laws (which are very tough) in NYC.

What you have in Florida doesn't count in NY. Plus if it was expired then he didn't have a CWP at all. If you get a drivers license and then it expires you still don't get to drive because you had one at one time. YOu got to keep them up to date.

It is the responsibility of the citizens of a state to know what the laws are and if you travel to another state it is the citizens responsibility to know the laws of that state. Ignorance is not a defense. In fact he should be held to a higher standard because he has the resources to hire a lawyer to tell him what the laws are.

He had two choices - do the responsible thing and find out what having a concealed weapon entailed or just get one and never look at the laws. He made the wrong choice.

As for the punishment there are two ways of looking at it

Reactive laws - something happens and you pass laws with tough punishments hoping it doesn't happen again or if it does then you drop the hammer.

Proactive laws - pass a law hoping it will stop something before it happens or drop hammer if it does.

This case is sort of both. P-diddy started the whole thing so they pass a law to stop future incidents. But then you got the former NBA player who shot his limo driver. One state sees this happen and they pass a law to hopefully stop it from happening in their state.
Here are my responses to everyone


I don't think you'll find that the crime rate against pro athletes is any higher than the high risk lifestyle person they are emulating. That argument is the weak sauce that pro athletes throw around, but it's baseless. They carry guns because they think it's cool.

Carrying a concealed weapon is stupid. Plaxico is stupid. The world is less safe if Plaxico or any pro athlete has a concealed gun, he just proved that. That is why concealed weapons permits should be very hard to obtain. The fact that someone of his low IQ and poor judgement could even get a concealed weapon permit tells me that system is far too lax.

Concealed weapons should be for everyone or no one. Everyone has one and we'll all play nice...and little Johnny rat face will think twice about trying to mug Aunt Sally.[/QUOTE]

I don't believe that the argument that professional athletes use to carry a weapon is "weak sauce" at all. The media has covered the incidents of crime against high profile athletes extensively, and I don't blame athletes for wanting to protect themselves from that same sort of thing happening to them. Do some athletes carry guns around because they feel it is cool? Sure, so do many people you'll find anywhere. But some athletes carry them strictly for protection, as do many people. I don't think its fair to say that Plaxico was carrying around a gun to "be cool," as we honestly don't know his intention.

Obviously I would feel differently if the gun had gone off and killed a loved one of mine. But let's say that happened. Only Plaxico had a concealed weapons permit, and it wasn't at a bar, it was walking down the street. Would the fact that he was abiding these laws make my love one any less dead? No, it wouldn't.

Thankfully he only shot himself, but had he done so with the proper paperwork, etc... there wouldn't be any charges, and he would just be a moron that shot himself.
Thankfully he only shot himself, but had he done so with the proper paperwork, etc... there wouldn't be any charges, and he would just be a moron that shot himself.

This is the issue - he broke the law by not having the appropriate paperwork. It doesn't matter what his intention was. He failed to live up to his duty as a citizen and know what was required of him.

If he had the proper paperwork and still shot someone accidentaly he is still legally responsible for his actions (or inactions).

This actually goes beyond whether he is dumb or not (he is) but it's about him living up to his responsibilities as a citizen. He failed. It doesn't matter if he is a superstar pro athlete or crazy Earl down the street who talks to the radio. Each one is responsible for their actions.

If he wants to carry around a weapon for protection then nobody can stop him as long as he does it properly and legally. He failed to do this so he broke the law. Anyone, anywhere and at anytime can be threatened with violence. Nobody has a problem with you protecting yourself, loved ones or strangers but there are ways to do it legally and there are ways to do it illegally.

Plaxico broke the law by being stupid. But he shouldn't be punished becuase he is stupid - he needs to be punished because he failed to live up to his responsibilites.
Originally posted by coach2709:
Thankfully he only shot himself, but had he done so with the proper paperwork, etc... there wouldn't be any charges, and he would just be a moron that shot himself.

This is the issue - he broke the law by not having the appropriate paperwork. It doesn't matter what his intention was. He failed to live up to his duty as a citizen and know what was required of him.

If he had the proper paperwork and still shot someone accidentaly he is still legally responsible for his actions (or inactions).

This actually goes beyond whether he is dumb or not (he is) but it's about him living up to his responsibilities as a citizen. He failed. It doesn't matter if he is a superstar pro athlete or crazy Earl down the street who talks to the radio. Each one is responsible for their actions.

If he wants to carry around a weapon for protection then nobody can stop him as long as he does it properly and legally. He failed to do this so he broke the law. Anyone, anywhere and at anytime can be threatened with violence. Nobody has a problem with you protecting yourself, loved ones or strangers but there are ways to do it legally and there are ways to do it illegally.

Plaxico broke the law by being stupid. But he shouldn't be punished becuase he is stupid - he needs to be punished because he failed to live up to his responsibilites.

Ditto, Coach!
Originally posted by thegame2003:
I guess in my view this is just a case of the punishment not fitting the crime. 3 1/2 years minimum seems pretty ridiculous to me.

How ridiculous would the punishment seem if you were standing over your childs bed waiting for him to wake up from surgery after they removed Plaxico's bullet from him?

Carrying a concealed weapon is a recipe for disaster, anything can happen, Plaxico proved that. You would think that is the height of irresponsible and dangerous behavior, until you learned that he was drinking and around drinkers while carrying it.

You can't take a bullet back.
Originally posted by thegame2003:
I guess in my view this is just a case of the punishment not fitting the crime. 3 1/2 years minimum seems pretty ridiculous to me.

So I take it you see this as a violation of paperwork while others see it a violation of a law meant to protect people from a possibility of getting accidentaly shot or an escalation of an argument that could lead to violence.

If it's a simple paperwork violation then I agree 3 1/2 year is excessive but I don't see it as a paperwork violation. I see it as a law in place to protect people from useless incidences of violence. Yes there are a lot of what if's here that didn't happen but this law is designed to help lessen the chances of them happening.

I don't want to turn this into a 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms discussion but if have a permit keeps a gun out of the hands of a person who doesn't need to have a gun then I am all for it.

Plaxico got lucky that his breaking of the law only hurt himself but how many stories have you heard of where innocent people get hurt? If Plaxico going to jail for 3 1/2 years stops another idiot from doing the same thing which possibly could hurt or kill another then I am all for it.

I don't advocate eliminating guns and weapons but I want a system in place that will protect me (and others) from people who are irresponsible.

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