I can’t wait to hear those words shouted by the umpire this spring. As a coach in this crazy weather zone in Maryland where they say wait 5 minutes and the weather will change, there is nothing better than to be out on the field running drills and watching your players compete. This time of year is festive but it seems to be the longest part of the year. For me, this will be my last year coaching my son, 2005 Grad, so maybe that’s why time is dragging. Although baseball is not the only focal point in our house, it has been the main one. We have met so many people and made so great friends. I hope and wish this continues. That’s what I want for Christmas. It seems obvious that most of you out here crave the same. That is what makes this site so great. Sometimes I think I must be some kind of nut with all the attention I put forth in this great game. But after I found this site, I once again felt normal and admired all of you for carrying the same passion for this sport as I do. I do not claim to be an expert just a coach who loves to learn. I use this time of the season to do just that while the players are conditioning. There is something unique about baseball. I played football and hockey in school and college but that day back in 1994 when I saw my son in is first baseball uniform, t-shirt and elastic baseball pants, it just hit me. That was my first year as a coach and the first time I really heard an umpire, parent volunteer, shout that phrase.
My countdown is not Dick Clark in New York, it is when that first cool day of spring comes, in Maryland, March 1st, when we are finally able to hear “PLAY BALL” !
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you
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