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With all due respect, IT IS spamming the site. (Especially when the same message is posted to multiple boards--see the IL board for another copy of this message). More importantly, by the rules of the "board manners" it is prohibited. Nothing against Play Ball, but if everyone that had an academy or product openly promoted it on this site, there would be nothing but these annoying solicitations everywhere.

It is bad enough we have to put up with all the subliminal advertising and self-promotion that goes on. Some of us live by the rules and would definitely appreciate it if more members did.

If you want to advertise--at least pay the site for the ad.
I apologize if you feel what I did was wrong . . . and I was unaware that what I was doing is "illegal". I just honestly wanted more people involved in something that I though was pretty cool.

I have another account on hsbaseball web for my personal use, but I am not going to hide behind that and place fake messages trying to stir up business.

I put the business name because that is where the clinic was being held. I wish I could say that I would make as much as a dollar from the events this weekend at Play Ball, but the truth is I personally will actually be losing money because I am without a place to conduct my lessons for the weekend.

I am currently talking with the owner of Play Ball, Ron Cacini, in regards to sponsorship of the site.

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