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Originally posted by sandlotmom:
Sounds like he's made his decision that college ball (and the possibility of losing a chance at it) is not as important to him as his individuality. Nothing wrong with that. Some kids don't want college ball as much as they want other things in their lives. Why can't he have both? Because baseball is a sport in which a direct line of command is necessary. No haircut, no line of command.

One thing you have to wonder about is how he's going to handle being a resident if he puts his individuality above the Chief's edicts.

I smell a life lesson.

Yeah, me too. Rationalizing that he "still has travel ball" is code for "I don't care if I play baseball."

If you don't care if you play college ball or HS for that matter, you won't. Baseball demands care. It weeds out careless...daily.
Last edited by Dad04
Originally posted by Coach Waltrip:
Originally posted by Vicarious Dad:

What if the coach says he wants all players to have mohicans, or their hair dyed black? Would everyone (parents) go along with that, too?


Yes, then I would get a mohawk...

One who walks in another's tracks leaves no footprints. ~Proverb
Quoted by Vicarious Dad
I don't think a high school coach has the authority to tell a kid how long his hair can be. The NFHS can tell him how he has to wear it, but nobody, except his parents, can tell him how he has to cut it.

In certain areas of the country at least, coaches most certainly can mandate haircuts. My son's high school coach required short hair cuts and clean-shaven faces, and all the players abided by the rules, whether they liked them or not. One player arrived in the locker room one day with bleached blonde hair and the coach said dye it back to your natural color or you're off the team. He dyed it back.

Quoted by 00's Dad
However would that increase his talent or just give him an animosity toward his coach that would become
an unresolvable issue?

00'sDAD, it wouldn't increase his talent, but it would probably make him more presentable, and he would look more like a "team player." And that animosity comment concerns me, as it sounds like your son carries a chip on his shoulder. Respect for an authority figure should preclude animosity and bitterness.
Originally posted by 00'sDAD:
If I said get an haircut or else he would.
However would that increase his talent or just give him an animosity toward his coach that would become
an unresolvable issue. Would the coach really treat him fairly at this point? He still has his Jr and Sr
year ma bey he will change his mind.

It's not about increasing talent - it's about being part of something more than he is by himself. If he truly has animosity towards his coach over this then he has a lot of growing up to do. I can't really describe it any better than what others have already but it comes down to - does he really want to play the game? Honestly I don't think he does if the hair is this big of a deal.

Also, Vicarious Dad the head coach does have the power to establish rules such as this. Playing baseball (or anything extracurricular) is a privilege and with that comes the understanding that if the kid wants to play on the team he has to abide by the rules established by the coach.
Originally posted by 00'sDAD:
Originally posted by Coach Waltrip:
Originally posted by Vicarious Dad:

What if the coach says he wants all players to have mohicans, or their hair dyed black? Would everyone (parents) go along with that, too?


Yes, then I would get a mohawk...

One who walks in another's tracks leaves no footprints. ~Proverb

Did you come here wanting opinions or did you want us to say what you wanted to hear?
Originally posted by Coach_May:
If a kid is more concerned with his hair cut than playing baseball he is better off keeping the hair and simply moving on.

Your son really doesnt want to play. If he did he would not only get a hair cut he would do whatever he needed to do to be a part of the team.

Whats next? There will be more.

Yes it is about wanting to play.

Is this the first season for this coach or has he been there a while? Is this a new rule or has it been there for a while?

From the way you make it sound this guy is new and trying to establish some discipline. Let me guess - this guy is new and probably young. He's taking over a team that hasn't had much success and huge amount of coach turnover. So this guy comes in and wants to do things his way rather than let the parents run the show and now people are ready to hang him based on your friends with the Board of Education.

If any of this is true you will probably be doing this coach a favor by getting him fired and out of your mess. Seriously why did you ask that question if you already knew all this? Were you trying to start a bash a coach thread?

You and your son are wrong on this matter. Let the man do his job and you might be surprise how well he will do.
Originally posted by Coach_May:
If a kid is more concerned with his hair cut than playing baseball he is better off keeping the hair and simply moving on.

Your son really doesnt want to play. If he did he would not only get a hair cut he would do whatever he needed to do to be a part of the team.

Whats next? There will be more.

Agreed. Move on. The coach probably already has. Coaches don't have the time or the need to deal with the drama, or beg.
Last edited by Dad04
Originally posted by 00'sDAD:
It's not a matter of wanting to play.
I am friends with school board members and have already been told coach's ruling won't stand.
Have not and won't tell my son this as he needsto solve this on his own.

I feel very sorry for your coach (and your school district) if your school board is worrying about a coach who has a hair cut rule. WOW is all I can say. Coach May you are the man! I wish my son could play for you.
Originally posted by 00'sDAD:
It's not a matter of wanting to play.
I am friends with school board members and have already been told coach's ruling won't stand.
Have not and won't tell my son this as he needsto solve this on his own.

Regardless of whether it would hold up or not, talking to your friends on the school board was a cheap shot. Doesn't matter what the school board rules are, it's the coaches rule, and his school board should have respect for the image he wants his team to project. You've already gotten involved by going to your friend.
This has nothing to do with grades, whether he works or not and what he wants to do after HS. Regardless of whether my player liked a coaches rule, he followed it, he understood that the game is much more than "what's best for me or what I want".
I don't buy into he wants to beat to his own drum, sounds to me like there are other issues going on thanjust having to get a haircut.

Just saying you are going to show this to him, appears to me that playing HS ball is a lot more important to you than he, and you don't know how to approach him, maybe it's not all about the coach.

He shouldn't have to read opinions from strangers, or are you afraid to really tell him how you feel?
Last edited by TPM
I am trying to picture the conversation I would have with a school board member. "Coach you can not have a rule in regards to the length of a players hair." Why is that Mr School Board member? "Because we as a School Board do not believe you have the authority to tell a young man how long his hair can be." Do I have the authority to cut a player from my team during tryouts? "Yes." Do I have the authority to demand that they wear their uniform in a manner that conforms to team rules? "Yes." Do I have the authority to discipline my players for lack of hustle , lack of respect shown to coaches or team mates , not paying attention at practice , breaking team rules? "Yes." Do I have the authority to determine who plays and who does not play? "Yes." Do I have the authority to remove a player from the team for poor academic performance? "Yes."

Then why do you think you have the authority to tell me that I dont have the authority to tell my players how they will represent this program , school and community in their physical appearance while a member of my team? "Uh uh uh".

If you want to coach this team then practice is at 3pm tomorrow. If not then get out of my face with your bs and do your job and let me do mine. And tell your friends to do the same.

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